Tuesday 1 December 2015

How badly has the WWE screwed up the "Divas Revolution"

Watching Sasha Banks vs Bayley at NXT TakeOver: Brooklyn and TakeOver: Respect was the some of the most fun I've had watching womens wrestling in the WWE. The match was awesome, the crowd was loving it and making it feel excellent and best of all they were allowed to go out to the ring and just show how talented they were. So like most, when Charlotte, Becky Lynch and Sasha Banks were all called up to the main roster it seemed like a great time to be a wrestling fan in general as it looked like the women were finally going to get a major push. So almost four and a half months later, what's changed? unfortunately not much. The WWE in general has really failed to give the newly promoted divas any sort of momentum and the so called "Divas Revolution" has sort of fizzled out for more than one reason.

That god awful championship belt...

I know that i'm not the only one who thinks this and how it is still around I have no idea but the fact that they still have the Divas Championship instead of the old fashioned womens title is rubbish. To put it into perspective, One looks like it should legitimately be held by the top womens wrestler in the company, the other looks like a fashion accessory for someone on a red carpet event. If you need to think about which is which then shame on you indeed. And following on from that...

Total Divas...

Ah yes, WWE's attempt at Reality TV. In fairness it isn't completely awful television because I'd probably watch it if I was just flicking through my TV set and nothing else was on. The only probably with Total Divas is that I genuinely cannot take any of the "Divas" on RAW seriously when I see them hanging around like friends on a TV show. Would you see that with the men? Think back to the rivalry between HBK and HHH. Yes they were best friends but their on screen rivalry was awesome. Would it have been as awesome if we saw them going fishing together or going out for a friendly round of drinks with the rest of the Kliq as a late night TV show?

Poor Creative Storytelling

How are we as fans supposed to buy into womens wrestling if they have absolutely no background whatsoever? Charlotte is the prime example of this. She is a fantastic athlete and a talented wrestler in her own right but she's reduced to saying "woooo" and simply being the daughter of Ric Flair and nothing else. I can't invest in that as a fan. Charlotte isn't the only one. Is there any diva right now who has a good back story that they can build on? No. Becky Lynch has wrestled all over the globe, use that for crying out loud WWE! Sasha Banks is a huge Eddie Guerrero fan and cousin of one of the most famous Rap Artists in the world. How can you not use that? Their best shot at storytelling so far has been the crude use of the death of Charlotte's brother Reid. It was honestly very uncomfortable to watch. 

Use the damn time space...

Saying that RAW is stuck in a rut right now is probably about right. The ratings are the lowest they have been in years and the company are struggling for ideas on how to get people to tune in to RAW consistently. It's funny how the answer is right in front of them isn't it? RAW is a three hour show. That gives the women more than enough time to go out and put on good matches as well as providing depth to their story lines so why does the WWE fail to do this? maybe it's a lack of confidence in the women or from the company to take a risk but it's not exactly like it can get any worse.. wait Sheamus is champion so yes it can probably get worse. 

Poor old Natalya...

How can you not feel bad for Natalya? she's a member of one of the most prestigious wrestling families in the world but she can't even get on TV. Not only is she part of the great Hart family but she's also a very gifted wrestler in her own right. She is completely underutilized at the moment and the creative team need to rectify this. 

Poor old Tamina... 

The fact that Tamina is overlooked as well as Natalya is again ridiculous. Tamina is everything that pure wrestling fans want to see. Someone who isn't going to show off her body to gain a following but instead show off her talent inside the ring, that is if she ever gets a chance. It's very rare that Tamina is in the ring competing and the WWE needs to use her more often. Personally i'd love to see a Tamina vs Nia Jax vs Natalya match in the future sometime. Make it happen.

The Commentary...

The Commentary team have to play a major part in the failure of the divas revolution. The only one of the three commentators who even has a slight interest in whats going on when the divas are in the ring is JBL. If the commentators are invested and energised for the matchup then how on earth are people at home supposed to do the same. Dear WWE, please put Corey Graves on Commentary from here on out. Thanks.

That feud with Rusev and Dolph Ziggler...

This one may seem strange at first but it actually one of the main things I think has affected the divas division. On one side you have the talented women trying to make headway and on the other side you have Lana and Summer Rae. This isn't to say that they aren't talented but seeing them scratch and claw at each other like a couple of... well... DIVAS starts to eat away at the work the other women are doing. To make it even worse this terrible feud didn't even end up going anywhere after Lana's engagement was leaked via TMZ, Rusev and Summer Rae vs Dolph Ziggler and Lana in a mixed tag match would've been awesome right!?...

Not bring up Bayley...

Ah Bayley, the purest of pure babyfaces and arguably the most talented womens wrestler in the company right now. Obviously Triple H had to keep at least one of the four horsewomen down in NXT to act as sort of a spearhead going forward but Bayley would've had a lot more effect on the womens division on RAW than Becky has (through no fault of her own) so why not switch them around and put Becky back on NXT television and give Bayley the reigns on RAW? obviously this would be a subtle way of WWE saying they got it wrong but they need to do something to change what is going on.


Lance Storm summed it up perfectly during a Q & A session in august which you can read here. They started off well with the Divas revolution but it has been losing momentum ever since it started and the WWE seriously need to make some changes. Bring back the womens title, which by the way many of the women in WWE have openly stated they would prefer, stop calling them divas, utilise all of your damn talent and for god sake start giving them a story so that I can invest in their characters.

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