Friday 18 March 2016

How I would book The Wyatt Family going forward

Rumour has it that Bray Wyatt is in line for a push after Wrestlemania which is great news. WWE Creative have justifiably come under a lot of criticism recently for their booking of pretty much everybody, but no one has been booked quite as badly in WWE right now as Bray Wyatt and his brethren. Wyatt has all the tools needed to succeed in the WWE. He has an excellent gimmick, he is a great talker on the microphone and most importantly, fans are willing to buy what he is selling. Wyatt has continually been buried by the likes of Cena, Undertaker and Reigns, all while winning a small filler feud here and there. The final straw for many fans came when he and the rest of the Wyatt Family lost to Big Show, Ryback and Kane at Fastlane, seriously why did this happen? Despite this however during a showdown with Triple H on RAW recently he ran his fingers across the WWE World Title and he got a significant pop showing that people are still willing to get behind Wyatt. It is going to take a lot to bring Wyatt back from the abysmal booking he's received but it would be worth it as it allows WWE to have a true top level Heel in the company which they are desperately lacking so here is how I would book Bray Wyatt moving forward.

Wrestlemania 32 - The rumor right now is that Bray Wyatt is suffering from a back injury which is why he doesn't have anything on at Wrestlemania. Even if this is the case he can still get involved the Battle Royal. Have him simply exit the ring at the start under the bottom rope and get the Wyatts to get rid of everyone else. At the end all the Wyatts exit over the top rope and Bray Wyatt gets back in the ring. He wins the match and picks up a microphone and says something like "The winds are changing and that something is coming"

Payback/Extreme Rules - Simply put, WWE need to extend Bray Wyatt's family. They need to be more dominant. Have them force people to join them. Notable candidates would be people like Bo Dallas (Bray Wyatt's ACTUAL Brother), Curtis Axel, Adam Rose, Goldust, Kane, The Ascension and Ryback. All these guys are being floundered right now so in the two months following Wrestlemania have Wyatt try to recruit them and if they refuse, force them in some way.

Money In the Bank - Now this one is going to weird a lot of people out but the next step is logically to give Bray a major win to make him look strong. I picked Brock Lesnar. The reason for this is that A) It's Brock Lesnar and he's the strongest person on the roster and B)Lesnar will always be a beast. His aura transcends the WWE. Bray Wyatt obviously wouldn't win clean, he would receive help from his family so even then Lesnar would still look strong. Having him make a statement like beating Brock would be a major way to make people take notice.

Battleground - The next logical step would be to put gold on some of the family. So at the next PPV have Strowman and Rowan/another member of the Wyatts win the Tag Team titles from a group like New Day or Enzo and Cass who would be undeniably over, gaining so good heat in the process, while Luke Harper wins the IC title preferably from Sami Zayn, a natural Babyface. At this point the Wyatt's are looking really really strong.

Summerslam - Summerslam rolls around and this is another period of The Wyatt's gaining the gold. Earlier in the night, Sasha Banks would be defeated by whoever the Wyatt's have recruited to be "Sister Abigail" preferably someone not on the main roster right now. Another Wyatt Family member wins the US Title from Kalisto/Neville. Bray then faces a majorly popular WWE WHC Dean Ambrose in the main event. He beats him clean. Every single title is now on The Wyatt Family.

Hell in a Cell - At the next PPV which would be Hell In A Cell because lets face it the Night of Champions gimmick is largely pointless as all the titles are usually defended anyway. In the main event Bray Wyatt defeats John Cena inside HIAC for the WWE Title. This would make yet another major statement having Bray Wyatt defeat the franchise machine himself. You could even have The Wyatt Family interfere here if WWE were desperate on keeping Cena strong but a clean loss would be a better statement for Wyatt.

Survivor Series - Team Wyatt Family vs Team WWE. At this point the rest of the roster is pretty sick to death of The Wyatts so a select few decide to join together to try and take them down at Survivor Series. They put up a good fight but in the end it's in vain The Wyatt family comes out on top yet again.

TLC - Leading up to TLC there will be noticeable tension between Bray Wyatt and his second in command Luke Harper over the way the Wyatt Family is being led. Wyatt say they are in a good position but Harper wants more, he wants to destroy the entire roster until there is nobody left and The Wyatts have completely taken over the WWE. At TLC Bray Wyatt retains the WWE Title in a TLC match but there is still blatant tension between Bray and Luke this is also amplified by the fact that The Wyatt's are starting to show signs of weakness with Luke Harper losing the IC title to Neville/Styles/Owens earlier in the night as well as Becky Lynch defeating "Sister Abigail"

Royal Rumble - Bray Wyatt vs Seth Rollins. At this point Seth Rollins is the most over babyface in wrestling. He returned to a hero's welcome in 2016 and defeated his former mentor Triple H for turning his back on him when he got injured. Seth has also now finally got his rematch that he deserves after being forced to vacate the title.  Wyatt loses the match after an inadvertent distraction from The Wyatts. They come out to try and distract Rollins but instead Bray is the one fooled and Rollins gets the Schoolboy Roll up. Rollins is champ. Bray is seething. In the Rumble match a furious Bray orders them to help him win but instead The Wyatt's turn on him under order of Luke Harper and dump him out. Ambrose eventually wins the match which somehow sets up a Shield Triple Threat at Wrestlemania 33.

Bray Wyatt is now a Face and Harper is leading The Wyatt Family. However some of the Wyatts are torn. They respect Luke Harper but they also feel a responsibility to defend their former mentor who made them what they are.  Eventually over the coming weeks the sides are firmly chosen and the showdown will be concluded at Wrestlemania.

Wrestlemania - Team Bray vs Team Harper with the loser disbanding or being bled into the other team as well as a final grudge match between Harper and Wyatt preferably a No Holds Barred match. Bray and Harper would go to war and potentially put on one of the best matches of the year.

This is the most simplified way I could think of to book The Wyatt's off the top of my head, bear in mind this took me about 20 minutes to think of and write. The only problem with this is that it would highlight WWE Creative's issues as they would need to create storylines away from the Wyatt's not involving the championships.

What do you think? Is there a better way to book the Wyatts?

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