Thursday 31 March 2016

NXT Takeover: Dallas Predictions!

Yes that's right we are only one night away from what could turn out to be one of the greatest nights of the year, not Wrestlemania, but Takeover: Dallas. Obviously Takeover is not going to be the spectacle that Wrestlemania is, there is not many things in the world that can match the spectacle apart from major events such as the Super bowl and The World Cup. Still, NXT Takeover:Dallas has the potential to be one of the best PPV events on the WWE's calender in 2016 and that's no joke. The quality is there and the story lines have been well built. So lets get straight into the first match...

The Revival (C) vs American Alpha

Of all the matches on the card, The Revival vs American Alpha seems the most likely to start the night off which is excellent as it will more than likely set the tone for the night. The Revival have done extremely well to get to where they are now. Many people (including myself) expected them to drop the titles to Enzo and Cass at NXT Takeover:London but they didn't and since then they've only grown in their roles as Heel Champions. They share an excellent chemistry and fluidity in the ring that is only matched by their opponents on Friday night. Speaking of their opponents, is their any Tag-Team in the world that is more over than American Alpha right now? Gable and Jordan have developed a cult following ever since being paired together. Their awesome ability in the ring, combined with their connection to the crowd has made them fan favourites.

So who will win this match? All factors seem to point to American Alpha walking out with the gold in their moment of crowning glory. While there is justifiable reasons to keep the straps on Dash and Dawson, the crowd will accept nothing less than Gable and Jordan walking out with the gold.

American Alpha to win. New NXT Tag Team Champions.

Austin Aries vs Baron Corbin

Austin Aries has been a superb acquistion for WWE but his debut has been slightly overshadowed by the likes of Shinsuke Nakamura and AJ Styles signing with the company as well as the impending debut of The Bullet Club. I must admit I wasn't familiar with Aries' work before he signed but after searching the internet I can understand what all the fuss is about. On the other side of the coin we have Baron Corbin a man who continued to grow in his time in NXT, Baron Corbin. While people such Tyler Breeze have moved up to the main roster, Corbin has been left on NXT, but this hasn't stopped him from improving. Most recently on NXT Corbin cut an excellent promo about what he was going to do to Aries and his work all round has come leaps and bounds.

So who will win the match? Austin Aries would be the safe bet here. It's very unlikely that a guy like Aries would lose his first match in NXT but even if he does beat Corbin, The Lone Wolf will no doubt come out of this match looking good yet again. Personally I think a main roster call up is imminent for Corbin. If they aren't going to give him a run with the NXT Title there is nothing more for him to do in NXT. Perhaps a Mid-Card feud with Cesaro is in order?

Austin Aries to win.

Sami Zayn vs Shinsuke Nakamura

The fact that Shinsuke Nakamura is wrestling in WWE still gives me goosebumps. Nakamura will make his in ring debut for WWE this Friday against Sami Zayn in a match that could have potential to be the Match Of The Year. Nakamura possesses a unique Charisma that just draws people towards him. He is the perfect mix of Athlete and Entertainer. There isn't many better people for him to make his debut against either. Sami Zayn was right in saying he helped get NXT to where it is and he more than deserves this match. In a way I almost feel sorry for him as he will face Nakamura and then have to compete in a Ladder match 2 days later. Don't be surprised if he walks out of Wrestlemania wrapped in Ice Packs.

So who will win the match? You've got to go with Shinsuke Nakamura to win. With such a high profile debut the chances of Sami winning this match are very slim but that doesn't mean he won't come out of this match looking like a loser. Nakamura will prove why WWE broke the bank to sign him and Zayn will prove why he's held in such high regard as well.

Shinsuke Nakamura to win.

Bayley (C) vs Asuka

This match is strange as it hasn't really had much build up in terms of story telling but it's still one of the most anticipated matches of the weekend and that's for one simple reason. Bayley is the standard bearer for Women's wrestling in the WWE right now. She is the one that has caused people to take note. Asuka is the veteran talent from overseas who has come to America to prove herself. I must say that Asuka is arguably my favourite competitor in WWE right now apart from Owens and Styles. She is just so fluid and graceful in the ring but at the same time she has the ability to completely destroy her opponent. So... will The Hugger overcome The Empress of Tomorrow?

So who will win the match? There are lots of potential outcomes for this match. A clean win for Bayley or Asuka are the most likely but could see Dana Brooke get involved, although it's a long shot. I have to say Asuka for this one. Bayley is usually billed as the underdog in her matches and she will be exactly that more than ever in this one. To be fair, The majority of people who face Asuka would be considered an underdog. A main roster call up is also likely for Bayley soon so Asuka winning would almost guarantee that. Either way, expect this to be a great match.

Asuka to win. New NXT Women's Champion.

Finn Balor (C) vs Samoa Joe

This will be the second PPV in a row that Samoa Joe attempts to win the NXT Championship from Finn Balor but by no means does that mean it will be the same as last time. WWE are often criticised for booking the same matches over and over again, with AJ Styles and Chris Jericho being a perfect example. While this may be the second time Balor faces Joe in a row on PPV, the last time they went head to head was 3 months ago. This means this match is fresh and will be completely different from last time. Ever since turning Heel, Samoa Joe has been one of the best performers on NXT TV. He's dominated opponents and made it known that he's coming after the NXT Title. Balor on the other hand has been a rare commodity on NXT TV, which has made his appeareances all the more meaningful.

So who will win the match? Similairly to Bayley vs Asuka there is a chance that The Bullet Club could interefere and make their debut but that's unlikely as the thought is they're main roster bound. Whoever loses this match will more than likely debut on RAW the night after Wrestlemania. For that reason I have to go with Samoa Joe winning this. I don't like the idea of having The Demon be beaten but if The Bullet Club are going to debut, then they're going to need their leader/ Samoa Joe would be an excellent NXT champion and it's been a while since we had a Heel champion. Apollo Crews could be a credible contender down the line for Joe, while Balor could be ripping it up on the main roster.

Samoa Joe to win. New NXT Champion.

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