Friday 25 March 2016

Why Roman Reigns should be moulded like this NXT Superstar

I heard on the most recent episode of the New Age Insiders podcast a comparison between Roman Reigns and Baron Corbin which I thought was very interesting. Personally I've had the same sort of idea with Roman for a while now but I wouldn't make him like Baron Corbin. While I can see the reasons to turn Roman Reigns into a lone-wolf type are there, It wouldn't be Corbin that I would model Reigns around. The personality I think Roman Reigns would thrive with is that of the current NXT Championship #1 contender Samoa Joe.

There are a few reasons for that, the first being the success of his original Face run in NXT. I'm not saying that Samoa Joe was a poor Babyface because he wasn't, he was very good in the ring and very entertaining to watch, however It always felt like there was something missing when he was a Babyface. I think we all get that same feeling with Roman Reigns. Reigns has the talent in the ring but it just feels like there is something missing which right now Is the connection to the crowd.

Now look at Samoa Joe after he turned Heel on his friend Finn Balor. That situation worked out for everybody. Not only did Finn Balor gain more support from the NXT fans but Samoa Joe was able to come out of his shell and fully embrace a role that he looks very comfortable in. After turning Heel, Samoa Joe's stock has risen and he looks to be a good bet to dethrone the demon at NXTTakeover: Dallas.

On the most recent episode of NXT, Joe was yet again at his badass Heel best. First he stormed out of a backstage interview without saying a word, later that night he interrupted a match between Bull Dempsey and Danny Burch, choking them both out and sending a brutal message to Finn Balor. Every time Samoa Joe gets into the ring or even stands next to someone you just get the feeling someone is going to get hurt, that's the feeling we need right now with Roman Reigns.

This formula would be so simple to put into practice on the main roster as well. Just substitute Finn Balor for Dean Ambrose and Roman Reigns for Samoa Joe. For example, have Triple H retain at Wrestlemania 32, giving us all a swerve we didn't see coming. Then at the next PPV, Ambrose wins the WWE title. The next night on RAW, his "brother" Reigns celebrates with him and then proceeds to dismantle him. Ambrose becomes the most over babyface in WWE and Reigns can fully embrace a role that we all know he will be more comfortable in.

WWE fail to see that their fanbase continues to evolve. Fans want to see an asskicker in the WWE and while Brock Lesnar can occasionally satisfy fans desire for that, he's not around for long enough. Have Reigns drop this whole "One vs All, Believe That" rubbish and turn him Heel. No catchphrases, no talking, all destroying. Why not give him a submission as well, the majority of top superstarrs in Wrestling have had famous submissions in the past, Ric Flair, Sting, John Cena, Daniel Bryan, CM Punk, Bret Hart, hell even The Rock brought out the Sharpshooter every now and again.

WWE Creative are struggling right now but for this to work the blueprint is already there, all the need to do is put into action, as many people have said, there is more money to be made in a Heel Roman Reigns than a Face Roman Reigns and ultimately that is WWE's goal, to make money.

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