Tuesday 22 December 2015

RAW Review 21/12/2015

We had high hopes for RAW. Despite the fact that it was the Slammy awards and therefore almost certain that their would be more awards than matches we still thought that the WWE would continue their good work from last week. Oh how we were so wrong. Last week was the best episode of RAW in a long time. Last night? probably one of the worst in recent memory. Overall the show was disjointed and lacklustre. Living in England makes it difficult to stay up and watch RAW every Monday although it is a good gauge on how good an episode is. For example, last weeks RAW I had absolutely  no trouble staying awake until RAW finished. I even watched an episode of Breaking Ground afterwards. Last night I was drifting in and out about 3 am.

The first thing that was bad about last nights RAW were the winners of the Slammy awards. Outside of ones such as Superstar Of The Year, Diva Of The Year and Rivalry Of The Year, most of the awards went to the wrong people. The biggest injustice was the fact that somehow The Usos managed to win Tag Team Of The Year, despite the fact they've been out for most of the year and New Day have been the best thing on RAW. Breakout Star was another that was completely wrong. Neville, while not having a horrible year, has had nowhere near as good a year as Kevin Owens who was rightly baffled that he didn't win. It's pretty obvious that our votes mean nothing so the whole concept of getting people involved in the voting to begin with is pretty pointless.

The show was pretty devoid of wrestling. There were a few matches here and there. Kane, The Dudleyz and Dreamer vs The Wyatts...again....with the exception of Rhyno who has evidently come to his senses and gone back up to NXT. The Wyatts need to look strong but if the WWE continue to book them against The Dudleyz this doesn't make them look strong, rather The Dudleyz look very weak. Kane's Pyrotechnics should never be spoken of after the terrible miscues.

Becky Lynch vs Brie Bella near the end of the show was also pretty meaningless. Becky picked up a win. That is pretty much all. Team B.A.D continue to just watch the matches instead of going to creative and demanding an explanation as to their piss poor booking for some reason. Everything about the women last night pretty much seemed like it was put there to kill another week before the Rumble instead of actually putting a convincing story-line in. Way to push women WWE! Someone needs to be held accountable for this.

In order for Roman Reigns to be liked by the WWE universe as a whole, WWE Creative need to make sure they don't book him like some sort of Superhuman freak. So what do they do? book him as a Superhuman freak. The League Of Nations did a good job of making themselves look like strong heels, beating down the likes of Swagger, Neville, The Usos and Dean Ambrose. They were very good, right up to the point where Reigns decided to get involved and decimate the entire group. I know that WWE are trying to make Roman Reigns look like a badass but come on really? 4 on 1 and he still takes them all down with relative ease. This makes everybody look bad and it's really the wrong way to go about things for Roman and the rest of The League Of Nations. No wonder the WWE are lacking top Heels if Reigns is going to make them all look like mid-carders.

Last week WWE managed to somehow provide us with an entire 3 hour show that was entertaining. Unfortunately all this week has managed to do is make it seem is that last week was simply a fluke and we'll be going back to lacklustre programming yet again. Maybe the quality will pickup once major stars start to come back.

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