Tuesday 29 December 2015

What should Creative really be doing with the Big Show?

I'll start this off by admitting that I understand where the "Please Retire" chants are coming from when they're directed at Big Show. I don't agree with them, but I do understand the irritation that people have when they see the Big Show.

Last night on RAW during Miz there was an array of superstars who came out. All of them had a different impact, Zack Ryder especially got a big pop, however when the Big Show came there was a collective groan all over the world. People just don't want to see the Big Show anymore thus we have the "Please Retire" chants every time he's on our TV screens. Despite this, it doesn't matter how hard people want him to retire, it wont happen. He's sitting on a lucrative contract with WWE and to be fair, anyone else in his situation would do the same thing. Just because he has that big contract however, this doesn't mean that WWE can't use him properly.

Show is 43 and he's done pretty much all there is to do. So the fact that Creative still continue to book him as strong as they do is a mystery. Case in point is at Wrestlemania 31 in the Andre the Giant Battle Royal. It's already a pretty pointless trophy to fill time at the moment but still, why have Big Show win it? what does he gain from it? nothing. Despite the fact that the trophy doesn't mean all that much (it should give someone a mid-card title match) they could've at least had someone different win it to give them some momentum. Bo Dallas or Jack Swagger for example. Most recently on the last episode of RAW in 2015 Big Show came to ring, kicked everyone out, and then walked away from Ryback during their match. This entire thing was completely confusing.

Being at the point in his career that he is, it's understandable that Creative have issues when booking the Big Show but it's actually pretty simple. Use him to put guys over. With the injuries they're suffering right now the WWE need some people to step up. Having people go over someone as large as the Big Show would give them much needed momentum. Chris Jericho would be an example of this. He barely wrestles anymore due to other commitments but when he does it's mainly to put other guys over.

When Superstars get older they get used less and less frequently. This is the case with many at the moment including Big Show, Kane and Mark Henry. None of these guys will win any points for going over the younger guys so let people go over them. When/If Finn Balor does eventually come up to the main roster having "The Demon" feud with Kane would be a believable angle.

My point is that the booking of Big Show is all wrong. Obviously he needs to win a feud now and then so that he doesn't look completely weak, but nine times out of ten guys should be going over him in order to gain credibility. At least that way Show is being used beneficially and not just hindering other people.

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