Saturday 23 January 2016

2016 Royal Rumble Predictions

The Royal Rumble is a few days away and for the first time the WWE World Heavyweight Championship will be defended in the Royal Rumble match itself. Honestly this decision has caused mixed reviews as some people see it as that now there are only two or three obvious choices to win the Rumble whereas some people see it as a welcome surprise. Thankfully for once the under card for the Rumble is actually populated with some matches that have some potential. These are my predictions for the Royal Rumble on Sunday, January 24th.

The Usos VS The New Day (c)

The New Day were one of the best things about WWE in 2015, no doubt about it, however this year they have started a little slow and become a bit stale. Jericho has got involved in this feud to try and heat things up but it hasn't really worked. I think the problem is people have seen this match too much over the past couple of months. The Tag Team Division in WWE is lacking and the New Day don't really have any worthy competition. There are a few teams on NXT that deserve a callup such as American Alpha (Gable and Jordan) as well as Enzo and Cass. No doubt in the next couple of months we'll see The Bullet/Balor club eventually on RAW as well. For now however the WWE's best bet is to keep the straps on New Day.

New Day to win.

Kalisto VS Alberto Del Rio (c)

Ah yes, the rubber match between these two. In all seriousness Alberto Del Rio hasn't really got going since re-joining WWE. Del Rio had done some solid work outside of WWE the past year but his return has just been a bit, meh. This match is frustrating for me because I feel Kalisto should be coming into this match as the Champion. Really, what was the point in putting the belt back on Del Rio just a day after him losing it. Kalisto had some good momentum after TLC and WWE have been looking for someone like the lucha dragon to push in recent times. With Kalisto momentum being shunted in the past week or so it's pretty likely that will continue at the Royal Rumble.

Alberto Del Rio to win. 

Becky Lynch VS Charlotte (c)

While the "Diva's revolution" has been pretty much a huge failure, Becky Lynch and Charlotte's feud has arguably been one of the more interesting things to watch on WWE TV recently which is saying something. It's a pretty common story with the gullible best friend being stabbed in the back by her former friend but with these two it works. Becky Lynch has put passion and fire into everything she has done in the past couple of weeks which has made this even more enjoyable to watch. Whatever the result of this match it allows the feud to continue. If Lynch wins then Charlotte can cut loose her father, blaming him for the match and allowing her to get more into her Heel role, while if a cheating Charlotte wins this enjoyable feud can continue into Fastlane with Becky deserving another shot. As much as I think the feud would be allowed to develop more if the title changed hands, it feels like WWE are hesitant to put the belt on her.

Charlotte to win.

Kevin Owens VS Dean Ambrose (c)

Give credit to WWE Creative on the occasions that they deserve it, a Last Man Standing match is the best match for these two as it makes both men look strong no matter who wins. Kevin Owens is the top Heel in WWE right now and keeping him strong going into Wrestlemania has to be a priority, however with him rumored to be a potential opponent for the Undertaker having the Intercontinental title isn't the best thing for him. Dean Ambrose has done some good work since he's held the gold so him retaining is probably the most likely option this Sunday.

Dean Ambrose to win.

30 Man Royal Rumble for the WWE World Heavyweight Championship

This match has to potential to swing many different ways. It extremely unlikely that WWE will take a gamble on this match which pretty much rules 95% of people out, including any surprised debutantes such as AJ Styles and Finn Balor. Realistically there are only three guys who are likely to walk out with the title. The first is current champion, Roman Reigns. Roman Reigns has been booked as a bad ass dude in the past couple of weeks and it has worked wonders and he looks more comfortable in that role. On the other hand WWE may be cautious on having him win a second Rumble in a row, especially considering the backlash from last year. The second option is Brock Lesnar. It's a pretty understandable option to put the belt on the biggest draw you have going into the biggest event of the year but again it doesn't look that way. The Wyatt Family beat down Lesnar on the go home RAW. What's surprising is that Lesnar didn't get any offense in so it looks like WWE are looking towards a Wyatt/Lesnar feud for Wrestlemania meaning he is probably the least likely candidate. The third is Triple H and this is because it's just what makes most sense. We haven't seen him since Reigns beat him down at TLC last month and WWE are apparently building to a Reigns/HHH main event at Wrestlemania as well as a big match at Fastlane. Personally the way I see it happening is HHH enters at 30. Eliminates Reigns and Reigns faces Lesnar at Fastlane for No. 1 contender spot at Fastlane with possible interference from Bray. Reigns then faces HHH at Wrestlemania. This may not be what happens but, despite this, HHH is still favourite to walk out with the belt at the Royal Rumble this Sunday.

Triple H to win.

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