Tuesday 19 January 2016

WWE Creative continue to be the root of all problems

If you're a WWE fan and you're complaining about the lack of stars in the company right now it's understandable. If you work for WWE Creative and are doing the same thing then you need a slap round the back of the head because the only people who are to blame for this problem is you.

RAW is lacking big name players right now, that much is obvious. The biggest people right now are Brock Lesnar, Chris Jericho and Roman Reigns. Two of those are only part time workers and the other is still not completely over with the majority of the crowd. The main reason RAW is lacking top stars right now is obviously because of injuries. Bad injuries to Cena, Rollins, Bryan and Orton have severely damaged the companies roster, however the simple fact of the matter is they have the power to make their own stars.

WWE has an array of talented young guys on their main roster. Just to name a few are Bray Wyatt, Neville, Dean Ambrose, Kalisto and Rusev and Stardust/Cody Rhodes. All of these guys have the potential to be a big name in the WWE but they aren't. Why aren't they do you ask? because not one of them has been booked correctly.

Bray Wyatt is the biggest example of this. WWE have lacked a top tier Heel for a while now. Seth Rollins did some great work as a cowardly Heel for the authority but it just feels like he is a natural babyface. Bray Wyatt just has that Aura about him that would make him an awesome Heel. He's an excellent talker and is good in the ring as well but he has become a victim of the dreaded 50/50 curse.

WWE's 50/50 booking is like children trading Pokemon cards. It is completely ridiculous and the main reason why they are unable to create any top stars. No one is booked to be more dominant that anyone else. Dolph Ziggler is one of the most talented in ring workers the WWE have got but he's has been booked so poorly that he's never been able to reach the top. Would he have been able to thrive as a top star in the WWE? Well we'll never know because Creative never gave him that chance.

As long as WWE Creative continue to refuse to push certain people and keep everyone on the same level they will suffer, regardless of the effect that the return of injured stars have. Want another example? take Tyler Breeze. If we're being honest to ourselves I think we all know that Breeze never really had the potential to be more than an upper-mid carder at most. But his treatment from Creative and Vince McMahon especially is completely appalling. The rumours are that to begin with, Vince McMahon was behind Triple H's idea to push Tyler Breeze as a top Heel but then he sort of just lost faith in him. Seriously? Most recently Tyler Breeze jobbed to BOTH Prime Time Players in SEPERATE matches at a live event in India. Yes. Tyler Breeze lost two matches in one night. On the January 18th episode of RAW he was part of a 4 man team with The Ascension and Stardust who jobbed to Titus O'Neil, Mark Henry, Neville and R-Truth. Wow. That sentence....

WWE will continue to flounder until their sort out their booking problems. Get rid of the pointless matches, I mean seriously. What is the point? I am fine with booking people to lose as long as it eventually goes somewhere. Also on the January 18th episode of RAW, Big Show beat down all four members of the Social Outcasts. Why? Obviously WWE need Big Show to look strong heading into the Rumble but he's the Big Show for crying out loud. Look at the size of him. He doesn't need to be beating down four guys have it tough as it is.

Anyone at WWE who complains that the ratings are low or that the roster is depleted of top talent needs to stop and take a good long look in the mirror and realise who the blame actually lies with. Then maybe they can stop complaining and do something about it.

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