Friday 29 January 2016

What I think should happen on the RAW after Wrestlemania

You probably think that it's a bit early to be writing something like this as we haven't even reached Fastlane yet and that there are no official matches booked for Wrestlemania but you can already see that WWE has the potential to create some interesting dynamics coming out of Wrestlemania.

Lets start off by assuming that these people will walk out of NXT Takeover: Dallas and Wrestlemania as champions.

Roman Reigns - WWE WHC                                          Finn Balor - NXT Champion
Sasha Banks - Divas Champion                                      Asuka - NXT Women's Champion
Dean Ambrose - Intercontinental Champion                  American Alpha - NXT Tag Team Champions
Kalisto - United States Champion
New Day - Tag Team Champions

If you're a betting man/woman then all of these guys are a pretty safe bet for being champion at the end of the weekend in Dallas, Texas.

First off lets start with the WWE Championship. Roman Reigns vs Triple H is the touted main event for Wrestlemania 32 and the result of that match is fairly likely to be Reigns going over The game. This is fine but WWE need to make sure they continue going in the right direction with Reigns. Enter, Kevin Owens. Whomever KO faces at Wrestlemania is bound to be in for a good match and Owens should be victorious as it can lead to him going into the WWE title picture. Owens is the best Heel on the roster right now. He works great as a Heel both in the ring, on the microphone and even on Social Media. Casual fans see him as a good Heel and hardcore pro wrestling fans see him as one of the best in ring workers on the roster. Having a feud with KO would be a great way for Roman to start as not only do both of them have potential to put on great matches (Just watch the fatal 4 Way on the October 26th episode of RAW) but Reigns needs to work against a legitimately great Heel in order to properly get over with the fans and Kevin Owens is the best that WWE have right now.

Charlotte has done better in her role as the cheat to win Heel but Sasha Banks is who fans are crying out for and it's probably going to happen at Wrestlemania, whether it be in a triple threat match involving Becky Lynch (Personally that's what i'd go for) or whether it's one on one against Charlotte. Charlotte and Becky's feud doesn't need the title to be entertaining so after Wrestlemania that could potentially continue of into itself where as Sasha could face someone different. Natalya would be a very good option but there's a better option, Bayley. Bayley's been the face of the Women's division in NXT for a while now but with the emergence of Asuka and Nia Jax as well as the improvements in the ring by Carmella and Alexa Bliss, after Wrestlemania would be the perfect time for Bayley to move on. Sasha Banks and Bayley put on, in my opinion, two of the three best PPV matches of 2015 and allowing them to continue that on the main roster would be gold for WWE. Just think about it, Banks could be parading around on RAW declaring how she is the best of all time and out comes the ultimate babyface herself, Bayley.

Originally I felt like Dean Ambrose turning Heel against Roman Reigns would be a great option coming out of Wrestlemania but I think KO would be a better option so I've gone with Dean retaining the IC title, most likely in a match vs Chris Jericho. After Wrestlemania I think there are two people who should be inserted into the IC title picture, the first being AJ Styles. Styles will get a run with at least one title in WWE that much is pretty certain and IC is the most likely so this is probably the place to start it. The other person is Samoa Joe. Samoa Joe has been another name linked with a call up to RAW in recent weeks and sticking him straight in with AJ would be a great move considering their history. Ambrose vs Styles vs Joe has so much potential, especially at a PPV such as Extreme Rules. Ambrose could potentially come out and declare some sort of challenge for the IC title, not too dissimilar to John Cena's open challenge, out comes Samoa Joe. Before they can get started however, out comes AJ Styles and says he has more right to a title shot that Joe does. From there, WWE can go whichever way they want.

Kalisto can be a great US champion. Most recently he put on a great match with Neville on Smackdown and he looks like he's going to be able to thrive in that underdog role that he's been given. The US title looks to be potentially the title being defended in the Wrestlemania Ladder match which gives Kalisto the chance to show off some high flying offense personally I think he should come out of Wrestlemania as the champ. My personal choice for him would be Rusev. He's had a beef with Alberto Del Rio in the league of nations so why not the Bulgarian Brute next. It would fit him perfectly as well as giving Rusev something meaningful to do. This might not happen due to backstage heat for Lana and Rusev but WWE need to get their heads out their asses and get over it. Yes, Lana and Rusev ruined an ongoing storyline by announcing their engagement but lets be honest, it was god awful feud anyway. Be glad we don't have to see anymore of that Ru-Ru garbage. Rusev is a monster Heel and should be booked as such. If they didn't go with Rusev another person who could fill that role effectively would be Baron Corbin. It's likely that Corbin will get a callup soon so putting him in a role like this would be good for him, although some people may not be happy with someone like Corbin going straight into the title picture.

New Day should be champions walking out of Wrestlemania. That is certain. They haven't really got any great competition right now. Yes, they have The Usos but it just feels like it's being dragged out and we're just hitting the repeat button on this. New Day can face anyone they like at Wrestlemania s long as they come out as Champions. On the RAW after WM there is the perfect opportunity to promote some Tag Teams. Enzo and Cass or The Hype Bro's would be the most likely candidates. Enzo and Cass have stellar charisma skills and could easily go toe-to-toe on the mic with New Day and The Hype bro's don't really have anything much to do on NXT so testing them on RAW could be an option. If these guys were to come up however, WWE would need to be careful not to screw it up like they did with the Diva's Revolution. The Tag Team scene on RAW desperately needs some fresh blood and NXT is the place to go for that. American Alpha (Gable and Jordan) would probably be another popular but with them Facing Dash and Dawson at NXT Takeover:Dallas it's a pretty safe bet they will be the next NXT Tag Team champions before they reach the main roster. Hey, Dash and Dawson are great in the ring, why not give them a shot.

What do you think? Anybody I've missed? Tell me if you could do it better!

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