Friday 5 February 2016

How I would book Reigns' ascent to the top at Wrestlemania

Last week I wrote a post about how I would book the RAW after Wrestlemania and I think you guys liked it so this week I thought I would give Roman Reigns a try. This should either be really good or really bad. Tell me what you think!

Roman Reigns is the next 'guy' in the WWE. It's clear that Vince McMahon and the guys backstage evidently want Roman as their next face of the company but the fans are not so much in the same boat. Roman has, despite a slight blip in late December, received negative reactions wherever he goes as fans refuse to buy into the Roman Empire.

At Fastlane Roman will be part of a triple threat involving Dean Ambrose and Brock Lesnar in a bout which, while it's bound to be entertaining, is pretty predictable and has pretty lame booking going into it. Most people believe that the outcome will be as simple as Brock Lesnar being taken out of the match by an interfering Bray Wyatt and that Dean Ambrose is simply in the match to take the pin and Roman will walk out the winner. Roman will be booed at Fastlane. No doubt. People just have no reason to buy into Roman Reigns' character. Ambrose is the lunatic fringe who is willing to put it all on the line. Lesnar is a brutalising Ass kicker who as paul heyman puts it is once in a generation.

I'm going to start by going back to the Royal Rumble. It was pretty well booked but if it was me I would've done it slightly differently. In the final three I would have had, Brock Lesnar, Roman Reigns and Triple H. Brock Lesnar would've dominated most of the match only to be eliminated by Roman Reigns only for HHH to then slide back in the ring after going UNDER the bottom rope and therefore winning the match. The result would be the same but the finish would make Roman into the guy who almost could.

The RAW after Royal Rumble I would keep the same apart from there being no triple threat at Fastlane. This year instead of Fastlane it would be Elimination Chamber and at the event there would be a chamber match for the WWE World Heavyweight Championship. Everybody loves a chamber match and having HHH in the match makes him look strong leading up to Wrestlemania. In the lead up to Elimination Chamber there would be qualifying matches for the Chamber because there should be. Being an enemy of the Authority Roman would be put in unfair matches such as Handicap and Gauntlet matches. He has to overcome these matches to win, but only just. He CANNOT look like some superhuman freak and should win with either Roll ups or other types of luck.

Fast forward to the Chamber and the match would be HHH/Reigns/Ambrose/Lesnar/Wyatt/Styles. Obviously Styles would be a bit of a push but the point would be in some way to set up a match with Ambrose at Wrestlemania for the Intercontinental Title. It also sets up the Lesnar/Wyatt angle if Wyatt was to eliminate Lesnar from the match. Again in this match I would have the odds against Reigns. make him and Lesnar numbers 1 and 2 in the match. Have him take a tremendous amount of punishment in the match only to be pinned by HHH being part of the final two.

Obviously going into Wrestlemania they need to find a way for Reigns to be in the match for  the title. I would have The Authority grant Roman one more shot IF he can beat someone in a No Hold's Barred match. That man being Dean Ambrose. The Authority would force Roman to destroy his best friend in order to get a title shot. Reigns would win the match but lose his friend in the process. Going into Wrestlemania he would be booked to be beaten down continually by the League Of Nations so going into Wrestlemania he wouldn't be the favourite.

Wrestlemania. This needs to be a screwjob by The Authority. Cheating, calling out League of Nations to help them while the Referee isn't looking and using the ropes unfairly. The Usos would come out to make the save and even the odds a little bit. Eventually however, Roman would overcome the odds, Spear HHH and get the 1, 2, 3. After the match HHH would get up and Reigns would spear him again. The Usos would get in the ring and celebrate with Roman and then.... he would give them both a Superman Punch. Vince would get in the ring and hold Reigns' hand up high. Remember Stone Cold at Wrestlemania 17? Yeah that's not happening. Reigns' would then punch McMahon and be standing tall in the ring. Roman solidifies himself as the company's Heel.

The next day on RAW Roman would explain his actions and state that he is sick and tired of being disrespected by everyone. The Authority would come out and give Roman the chance to join them as their "Corporate Champion" but he would immediately refuse and Superman Punch/Spear them or whatever he sees fit to do.

Over the coming weeks and months Roman would solidify himself and a unique character. The badass ass kicking lone wolf dude who doesn't give a crap what anyone has to say about him. He's the guy who speaks with his fists rather than his mouth. Put him in matches against popular faces against the likes of Dean Ambrose/John Cena or even a returning Daniel Bryan and people would still start feeling the itch to cheer him despite being Heel because he's someone different. He's a guy who just wants to beat people up and generally just kick ass. Eventually around Summerslam time Roman would lose the title to a returning Seth Rollins who inserts himself back into the role of The Authority's champion. Having Roman's new character against a slimy corporate champion would be a great way to firmly get him over. It also gives the opportunity for Seth Rollins to eventually turn face if the Authority, accidentally or purposely cost him a match against Reigns.

So yeah, that's how I would book Roman Reigns. What about you guys? What do you think? Do you think the WWE should do it differently? Let me know if you like this kind of stuff!

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