Monday 22 February 2016

7 reasons why many fans will continue to reject Roman Reigns

Let me just start this by saying I say "many fans" In the title because there are a minority that are hardcore Roman Reigns fans and will accept him no matter what and that's fine, they have every right to. Having said that, the majority of people are still unwilling to accept Reigns as the guy at the top of the mountain. Monday's episode of RAW proved that. Triple H came out and delivered a merciless beat down to The Big Dog only to be met with a chorus of cheers at every turn. Even a brutal beating at the hands of the corporate stooge couldn't help Roman with his problem. People will continue to respond the same way towards Reigns until they change things such as...

He is stuck in the past

I maintain that if WWE really wanted Roman as their guy he should've been pushed to the top at Money In The Bank in 2014 when Daniel Bryan was forced to vacate the title. He was fresh off the implosion of the Shield and people still viewed him as the moody ass-kicker he was at the time as opposed to right now when he's just an idiot cracking poor jokes. Simply put, Roman needs to move on from his time in the Shield. He still uses the same gear, still enters from the crowd and uses basically a remixed version of the shield's theme. Dean Ambrose and Seth Rollins both went off and did excellent work as their own guys while Roman seems unable to move on and until he does he won't be doing himself any favours.

His move-set is uninspiring

The move-set of a WWE Superstar is very important. People have made their feelings felt about John Cena's "Five Moves of Doom" and Reigns looks like he could be going the same way. The Superman Punch and The Spear. That's all he has. Are we supposed to believe that Roman can punch hard because he cocks his fist? The Spear is completely overused and doesn't even look remotely painful. Roman Reigns is a big guy. He needs to be doing slams and suplexes. Reigns has the physicality aspect going for him and WWE need to use that to their advantage.

He is not their guy

The WWE can't really do much about this one but it's a big problem. Reigns is not the guy WWE want. Daniel Bryan is a guy the WWE want. The company wanted Batista vs Randy Orton at Wrestlemania 30 but the WWE Universe wouldn't accept it and WWE eventually (and rightly) caved in and gave them what they want. Fans don't want Roman Reigns as their guy. They want someone like Dean Ambrose who they can relate to or Brock Lesnar that they just see as an absolute monster.

He's booked completely incorrectly

This one kind of links into the last point. Recently Reigns competed in a triple threat against Dean Ambrose and Brock Lesnar, the two most over guys in the company. Can anyone explain how WWE thought he would get a good reaction in this match. It happened last year as well against Daniel Bryan. Reigns is continually being booked incorrectly and predictably. When things become too predictable fans become bored and have to find some way to get over, which happens to be by booing the guy who they are watching.

WWE want him to be their guy instead of his own guy

If you've seen or listened to an interview with Roman Reigns then you'll know he's very different to his character. He's got sort of that hulking vibe going for him but WWE are determined for him to be viewed as a family friendly guy. That worked with Cena because he actually is that kind of guy but Roman just doesn't seem like that type of guy.

It's too soon

Simply put, some people feel that WWE have pushed Reigns too soon. He only debuted with the Shield in 2012 and he's already a main event player despite not actually doing much. On the other hand, guys like Dolph Ziggler have been around for years but have yet to be given a legitimate shot at being a main event man.

He is their vessel for criticising Vince McMahon

I've criticised Roman a lot up to this point but honestly the majority of his problems lie solely at the feet of one man and that is Vince McMahon. Vince signs off on pretty much everything and it's been made abundantly clear that Roman Reigns is Vince's guy. Fans don't neccesserily dislike Reigns, more the way that he is being booked. However, fans don't really have a clear way to get their point across to Vince McMahon apart from the Internet which he obviously doesn't pay attention to. Many people boo Roman just to get their point across to Vince saying "You've got this guy all wrong, sort it out".

WWE are going into Wrestlemania with the Heel/Face dynamics all wrong and people are more than likely going to boo Roman Reigns out of the building when he inevitably and eventually wins the World Heavyweight Championship. The return of Seth Rollins can't come soon enough because it allows for Roman Reigns to turn complete Heel which will do wonders for him and opens up so many doors for not only Reigns'  future but also the WWE and their booking of him.

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