Tuesday 23 February 2016

5 talking points from last nights RAW

Last night's episode of RAW was...eventful to say the least. After Sundays Fastlane PPV fans were openly, and understadably, upset at the current state of WWE. People were yet again threatening to boycott the WWE Network and Wrestlemania (Although the chances of people doing that are actually pretty slim) and just when we all thought that WWE couldn't pull it out of the bag when they needed to, they give us this. Here are 5 big talking points from last nights RAW!

Here comes the Money!

Shane McMahon is back! Monday Night RAW opened with the Vincent J McMahon Legacy Of Excellence award which was obviously just a prop to create a segment but it was the best way to go about things. A few hours before the show reddit user Falconarrow posted a teaser that something big would happen on RAW and boy did it. Shane McMahon came out to one of the biggest pops you have heard in a long time.

The segment itself was an interesting watch because it was probably a little too long for most peoples liking but there was some interesting back and forths. Shane openly mentioned WWE's stock ratings and their injury crisis and to see someone openly mention that stuff on WWE TV was excellent. By the end of the segment we were told that Shane McMahon would face The Undertaker at Wrestlemania 32 for control of RAW, Inside Hell In A Cell no less! From what I've seen, people are pretty split on this. They want Undertaker's legacy to remain intact with the only loss coming from Brock Lesnar but they also want The Authority gone so people are very much on the fence. WWE have done well to create intrigue here as the Wrestlemania card was a little underwhelming before this.

Personally I don't think Shane will actually step foot inside the Cell. He's a 46 year old business man who has absolutely no business taking dangerous spots like he used to. Couple that with the fact that he's facing The Undertaker who is no spring chicken himself and this suddenly looks a bit worrying. But what am I saying, Shane McMahon is back! Rejoice everyone!!

Lesnar wrecks the Ambrose Asylum

Before RAW started Brock Lesnar decided to take matters into his own hands and attack Dean Ambrose in the parking lot. WWE were keen to make sure that you knew this was on their Facebook page and soon after Dean Ambrose was apparently carted away in an Ambulance, only to come back and interrupt Paul Heyman. Lesnar continued his beatdown and Dean challenged him to a Street Fight at Wrestlemania to he agreed.

First off I think Dean Ambrose did an excellent job of selling his injuries from earlier in the night, Secondly, WWE have managed to give us another intriguing match. Dean Ambrose has been "the other guy" or "the nearly man" for as long as we can remember. He played second fiddle to Roman in his feud with Bray Wyatt, he was pinned by Roman at Survivor Series, He was dumped out of the Royal Rumble in the final two by Triple H and he was pinned again by Roman at Fastlane. So you would struggle to believe Ambrose is a viable contender for a monster like Brock right? wrong. Ambrose has always, and especially more recently, made it very clear that no matter what you do he will just continue to get back up and take even more punishment. His tactic just seems to be let the other guy get worn out or bored of beating him up which is awesome.

A Street Fight with the beast at Wrestlemania allows Ambrose to fully open up his "Unhinged Lunatic" persona and this could be an all out war for us to witness. Safe to say that if Dean Ambrose brings along Jon Moxley to this match instead of the cute and cuddly Ambrose attitude then Brock Lesnar will be in for a major shocker.

Y2AJ for Tag Team Champions?

Fresh of their match at Fastlane AJ Styles and Chris Jericho defeated Curtis Axel and Heath Slater in a Tag-Team match. Interesting. I've seen a lot of people say that Y2AJ would make a great tag team and they're probably right but this is 2016 and these men need to have their own thing. AJ Styles is rumored to be going into a feud with Kevin Owens at Wrestlemania which is guaranteed money for everyone involved. Chris Jericho on the other hand doesn't really have that much of a direction going into Wrestlemania.

At this point Jericho is pretty much used as a way of putting over talent. So what could he do at Wrestlemania? Well maybe an outside shot would be a match against Kalisto? Ryback maybe? It's a safe bet that Y2J will be at Wrestlemania so WWE need to find something meaningful for him to do as if they don't then it will just be a wasted opportunity.

The Boss makes a Statement

Safe to say that while the first two hours of RAW pretty much tore the house down, the third was a pretty big disappointment. The women however were probably the better part of the third hour. Sasha Banks is getting better and better every week and put on a good match with Naomi and we got to see the story line progress with Becky facing Sasha in the near future for a No 1 contenders position.

My guess is that we see that match on the WWE Network special "March to Wrestlemania". It's a pretty safe bet to say that Sasha is the fan favourite going into Wrestlemania but if you add Becky to that equation and we get a triple threat at Wrestlemania we could have an outsider for match of the night.

Charlotte's work has come a long way since she started. She's less reliant on her father which is excellent although she still sounds like she's yelling into the microphone a little. Still, going into Wrestlemania this is one of the better booked feuds which is great to see.

Roman Reigns shown no mercy by the King of Kings

Oh dear. Oh. Dear. To begin with we had Roman Reigns vs Sheamus which no one cared for and then out comes Triple H to lay the smack down to the babyface to garner sympathy from the crowd, wait...that didn't happen?! well I never! Roman Reigns was completely booed out of his skin every time he attempted offense against The Game and the show ended with the crowd chanting "One More Time!" at HHH after Pedigree'ing a bloody and beaten Roman Reigns onto the Steel Stairs.

This wasn't exactly the reaction WWE were hoping for their babyface was it? The fans seem determined to treat Triple H as the face in this feud. WWE Creative really need to pull something special out of the hat if they want fans to start siding with Reigns in this feud. Their schedule isn't exactly helping them. In the build up to Wrestlemania WWE goes to Brooklyn, Pittsburgh, Chicago and Philadelphia. Cities that are known to most as very anti-Cena cities and therefore will be very much anti-Roman cities as well.

Having Triple H end this snoozefest of a match was poor decision by WWE to begin with and It got no better as the assault continues. When we start to add up all the factors the potential for Triple H to actually retain against Roman Reigns at Wrestlemania might not actually be beyond the realms of possibility, especially if Dean Ambrose manages to overcome Brock Lesnar.

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