Friday 19 February 2016

WWE Fastlane 2016 Predictions

It's that time of year again! Yes, the time of year where we have to deal with arguably the most pointless PPV there is. If we are being honest with ourselves Fastlane is a rubbish gimmick that is here simply just to take up time, nonetheless there is still potential for a few good matches that could be put on. So far only three championships are being defended at the PPV which is a bad move to begin as WWE have stated they want Fastlane to feel more important. If that's the case why isn't your World Heavyweight Champion on the card? Even if it is just a squash match it is still a match that keeps your champion looking strong. I think if you ever look up the world "Placeholder" online it will just say 'Triple H January 2016 - April 2016' Anyway, I'm getting off topic. Below are my predictions for Fastlane this Sunday.

Kalisto (c) vs Alberto Del Rio

To Begin we have United States Champion Kalisto defending against Alberto Del Rio in a two out of three falls match. Seriously where do I begin with this? For starters this match shouldn't be on the Pre-Show because it's a damn championship match and the Pre-Show is where The New Day with Edge and Christian should be. Secondly, we have seen this so many times already that it is just becoming a bit dreary. It feels like the WWE can't find anything noteworthy for either of these guys to do. Personally I would've had Neville vs Kalisto here as while there wouldn't be a Face/Heel dynamic they would still put on an excellent match.

The US title has become the classic Hot Potato recently, destroying most of the work done by John Cena in 2015. The WWE will want to change that so look for Kalisto to retain here with Alberto Del Rio maybe scoring a fall with the Cross Arm-breaker.

Kevin Owens (c) vs Dolph Ziggler

I don't know exactly how many times Owens and Ziggler have faced each other over the past month or so but it's safe to say it's probably a lot. The only things that have kept this even remotely interesting is their work in the ring. Kevin Owens needs to long strong going into Wrestlemania. He is the companies best Heel for crying out loud and should arguably been in the main event picture in the next six months.

I feel sorry for Ziggler because he's supremely talented but yet again falls prey to the poor booking of WWE Creative. The only outcome here should be a victory for Kevin Owens

New Day (c) with Edge and Christian Segment

I said earlier that WWE wanted Fastlane to feel more important and what is a sure fire way NOT to do that? Make sure your hottest act isn't booked in a match going into the PPV. It will be nice seeing Edge and Christian again no doubt but this is really something that should be on the Pre-Show. A lot of talk is on Enzo and Cass debuting at Fastlane which would be a great thing to see.

There are two things I think will happen here. The first is that Edge and Christian make New Day look weak and the second is they bring out their opponents. I feel it will be either Enzo and Cass, Usos or Dudley Boyz. If The Usos come out not only will we all be disappointed but I'd expect a win for New Day, however if it's the Dudleyz or Enzo and Cass, I think we may be seeing the end of New Day's run as Tag Team Champions.

Sasha Banks and Becky Lynch vs Naomi and Tamina

Rumour has it that at Wrestlemania there will be two womens matches. One for the Diva's Championship and the other so that everyone else has something to be involved in. The crowd is firmly behind Sasha Banks right now and the majority are still behind Becky Lynch as well. That being said it would create an interesting situation should Naomi and Tamina sneak away with a Win here.

Nevertheless, having a three out of the four horsewomen Triple Threat at Wrestlemania looks to be the best option so Sasha Banks and Becky Lynch walking away with the Win here is the safe bet, possibly with either Becky or Sasha scoring a submission win.

Charlotte (c) vs Brie Bella

Before I say anything let me just say, I have nothing personal against Brie Bella. I think she's improved a huge amount in the ring since she started in WWE. That being said, this match makes no sense. Firstly, how does Brie Bella gain a title opportunity for scoring one win after months of taking losses? As much as I hate to say it and I really do, it feels like Brie has just been pushed into this position due to the Daniel Bryan saga.

Charlotte is excellent In the ring and I think she'll be able to work pretty well with Brie but a Charlotte win, most likely with the figure eight, is the only logical finish here.

Ryback, Kane and Big Show vs The Wyatt Family

The WWE have recently tried to put Big Show, Kane and Ryback over as "The Titans of WWE" and it really hasn't worked. A titan is defined as "An extremely important person". Really, does anyone really consider Kane, Ryback or The Big Show to be extremely important. This feud simply feels like a way to give The Wyatt's something to do going into the final stretch of Wrestlemania season and their potential feud with Brock Lesnar.

The Wyatt Family simply have to win here as if they don't they lose any credibility they have recently regained. If the so called "Titans" of WWE win, absolutely nobody benefits from this and it has all be a colossal waste of everybody's time.

AJ Styles vs Chris Jericho

This match is the match I am most excited about. It also happens to be the only match where I am split down the middle as to who I think will win. This is because a win for either competitor works. If AJ wins he gains credibility by defeating one of WWE's top Veterans and looks strong going into Wrestlemania season, whereas if Jericho wins (with Heel antics of course) this fairly entertaining feud can continue on to Wrestlemania.

Eventually I've decided that a win for AJ is the way to go here. Styles winning means that he can potentially go into a feud with Kevin Owens and even Sami Zayn for a triple threat Wrestlemania match for the Intercontinental Championship. Tell me you don't want to see that! Seriously I dare you.

Dean Ambrose vs Roman Reigns vs Brock Lesnar

Ah yes...The main event that makes little sense in terms of Storytelling but will be a fantastic match to watch. If I was being clever, which I am, I would say that none of these men deserve to be here. Why would Triple H grant Reigns and Ambrose an opportunity at his title. Why would Stephanie potentially allow her Husband to be physically dissected by the Beast Incarnate on the biggest stage of them all? Nevertheless it's happening. And despite my reservations about the backstory, it will be a great match.

When this match was first created, 99% of people (myself included) said that Roman Reigns would walk out of this match victorious, the other 1% being hardcore Ambrose and Lesnar fans. Now however, I feel differently. Reigns has really taken a back seat to this match and Lesnar and Ambrose have really been the focal points. This could be for two reasons. The first is that WWE are trying to protect Reigns going into Fastlane and he will still win but this could set up Lesnar/Ambrose at Wrestlemania. This would be great, but Roman will still probably be booed out of the building at Fastlane in a similar fashion to the 2015 Royal Rumble. The second idea, and personally the one I think is happening, is that WWE have taken a step back and decided that maybe Roman Reigns isn't the best Idea and are beginning to push Dean Ambrose.

It's clear that Dean Ambrose is vastly more popular than Reigns, but do WWE give in yet again. They have caved twice in two years going into Wrestlemania. The first time was completely justified because it was Daniel Bryan and everyone knew that was what needed to happen. But do WWE backtrack on Roman for the second year running?  You would think if this happens then WWE may have to just give up on the Big Dog as their project.

Despite all this however, Reigns is still the majority favourite to walk out winner, me on the other hand, while my head says Reigns my heart says Ambrose and I'm going with my Heart. I think Lesnar, as expected, gets taken out by the Wyatt's and Ambrose gets the win over Reigns, CLEAN. This isn't the end however because I think Roman comes out the next night on RAW and states he has a rematch clause for the title, setting up Reigns/Ambrose/HHH at Wrestlemania.

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