Friday 12 February 2016

How I would book the return of Seth Rollins

I wasn't actually going to post this today but then I read an article about this happening and I thought that maybe I would. Seth Rollins has now been out for roughly 3 months and fans are yearning for his return. When he does eventually return he will fill the role of one of the biggest Babyfaces in the company because people are just so desperate for it. You could see it in his final feuds with Kane and Cena before he got injured when people were actively more supportive of him than either of his opponents. If the WWE book it right then Seth Rollins can have a huge impact no matter when he return is, so this is how I would book it.

It would start the night after Fastlane with the result that we all thought would happen having happened. Reigns would win by pinning Ambrose. Personally though, I would have Ambrose and Lesnar enter a feud for Wrestlemania because A) It elevates the Intercontinental title to a new level and B) What would you rather see, Lesnar vs Wyatt or Lesnar vs Ambrose?. The night after on RAW, Reigns would come out and cut a Promo saying something like nothing will be able to stand in his way on his journey to Wrestlemania. Then, out comes Triple H saying he's always got an ace up his sleeve and that he has appointed a Special Referee for their match at Wrestlemania. Out comes...Seth Rollins. That episode of RAW ends with The Authority and The Architect standing tall at the top of the stage while Reigns stands in the ring and realises the situation he's in.

A few weeks pass by and we are now around 2 weeks away from Wrestlemania. We have one of those typical "Big Match" Contract Signings in the ring with all parties present, meaning that HHH, Roman Reigns, and the Referee Seth Rollins. Now whether or not The Rock will be involved in Reigns' corner really doesn't bother me, if he is then great, if he isn't that is equally great as it allows Reigns to get over by himself. Rollins will visibly be siding with HHH in this encounter and a beat down to Reigns involving The Authority would be a good way to go.

Wrestlemania. Everyone's in the ring and HHH and Reigns will more than likely put on a pretty good match seeing as when the Shield went up against Evolution a couple of years ago they worked pretty well together. Eventually we get to a point where Rollins' back is turned (By accident, not because of something The Authority has done) and HHH nails Reigns with the Sledgehammer and goes for the pin. 1. 2..... and that's it. Rollins stands up and looks at HHH and then nails him with whatever new finisher he has. Seriously, giving Rollins the Pedigree is awful. Reigns then gets up, Spears HHH and gets the 1. 2. 3. Reigns is WWE Champion. Rollins is Face. All is right in the world.

The next night on RAW The Authority would be fuming. HHH would call out both Reigns and Rollins. Reigns comes out first and doesn't understand why HHH is so mad. Then out comes Rollins who instead of coming to the ring, stays at the top of the ramp. He cuts a promo saying how he felt betrayed by the fact that The Authority stripped him of the title so quickly and found their new man in Sheamus and that he always felt that HHH never showed his the respect that he deserved. Rollins states that he will go home and rest his body (Because obviously he won't be cleared to compete and this stage in time.) and when he returns he wants to go one on one with his former master to prove that he doesn't need anyone else. Rollins leaves to go and recuperate and Reigns and HHH have the chance to get their rematch out of the way.

Fast forward to the night after Battleground and Rollins will return, obviously to a thunderous reception and state that he is ready to face his former mentor at Summerslam. They go back and forth over the coming weeks until their match at Summerslam and Rollins goes over HHH clean. Rollins will then come out the next night on RAW and state to Roman Reigns (Who is still WWE Champion) that he deserves the rematch that he never got and Roman agrees to fight him at Night Of Champions.

At Night Of Champions, Rollins vs Reigns will put on a great match but the finish will be ruined by an interfering Authority who still have unfinished business with Rollins. Seth is fed up with The Authority and states that at Survivor Series they will have a match to finally rid the WWE of them once and for all Similar to the match in 2014 only this time The Authority is gone for good (Really, they need to be off TV.)

At Survivor Series it would be the Heel team of HHH, Sheamus, Alberto Del Rio, Rusev and Kevin Owens vs the Face team of AJ Styles, Cesaro, Seth Rollins and... his former Shield brothers, Dean Ambrose and Roman Reigns. This is strictly a one night only thing however out of respect for each other. The Face team would win and The Authority would be off TV forever. No coming back. They are finally gone.

Fast track to the Royal Rumble. Roman Reigns would retain his title in a match earlier in the night against someone like Del Rio or a Heel Ziggler. In the Royal Rumble,  we would be down to the final 3. Brock Lesnar, Dean Ambrose and Seth Rollins. Brock Lesnar physically dominates the pair of them but eventually the odds are against Brock and he's out. Finally Dean and Seth go at it and Seth prevails with a Buckle Bomb into a throw over the top rope. Rollins wins the Rumble and Dean comes back into the ring looking like he will turn Heel and then nailing Rollins with a Dirty Deeds.

At Fastlane this would result in Rollins putting up his title shot against Ambrose, the finish would be strange one similair to the finish between Punk and Bryan at Over The Limit 2012. Seth would be about to force Ambrose to tap out but Ambrose gets the roll up 1. 2. 3. and it looks like it will be Ambrose vs Reigns at Wrestlemania 33. The next night on RAW footage shows that Ambrose tapped out at exactly the same time as the referee counted 3 causing confusion. The new Face GM would come out (Maybe someone like Daniel Bryan?) and announce that both men have a case as the winner and therefore it will be a Triple Threat match at Wrestlemania.

Wrestlemania 33. Brother vs Brother vs Brother. The match would be awesome. A match that everyone wants to see and eventually the finish would be everything we dreamed, or what I do anyway. Near the end, Reigns hits a Superman Punch on Dean, who reacts with a rebound Clothesline off the Ropes. Dean then hits Dirty Deeds on Roman but before he can pin him, Rollins gets back in the ring, hits him with his finisher then goes up top and nails him with a Phoenix Splash. 1. 2. 3. Rollins is Champion.

This angle also allows WWE to go the route where Roman is angry because he lost the title despite not being pinned as well as the fact that it shouldn't have been a Triple Threat in the first place. Either way. WWE have their new top Babyface who people are willing to love instead of going with the book it and hope they like it approach they're taking currently with Roman Reigns.

What do you think? Do you think Rollins could return in a better way? Let me know!

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