Friday 11 March 2016

8 Things WWE should probably think about doing for Wrestlemania

So we're three weeks from Wrestlemania and despite some people still reacting indifferently to the main event between Roman Reigns and Triple H, the show itself is actually looking to be like a good time. Couple that with the no doubt awesome NXTTakeover: Dallas a few days before hand and it's probably going to be a great weekend for anyone going to Dallas. With over 84,000 tickets being sold there's no doubt going to be a raucous atmosphere inside the AT&T Stadium and no doubt WWE will want the reaction to be positive so here's 8 things they should do in order to achieve that reaction.

Swerve the Main Event finish

It's pretty much a guarantee at this point that Roman Reigns will be walking out of Dallas on Sunday night (Monday morning if you're like me and live in England) as the WWE World Heavyweight Champion despite many people continuing to openly state that they don't want this to happen. Now I'm not a Reigns fan. This doesn't mean I hate the guy and actively boo him whenever I can. He deserves the opportunity to prove why he is in that top spot and unfortunately he isn't getting that opportunity right now because of poor booking. People are angry at the predictability of Triple H vs Reigns ending in Reigns going over clean. No doubt the WWE have something special in mind to make this more interesting but it definitely needs something. I doubt Reigns will be booed out of the building if he wins but it won't exactly be met with fans rejoicing. If WWE added a swerve such as a Roman Reigns heel turn which we all know he desperately needs then suddenly when people look back on the main event in the future they won't remember how incredibly predictable it was.

Add an extra stipulation to Shane vs Undertaker

Hands up who was excited when Shane O Mac returned a few weeks ago! Hands up who's excited for this match! Hands up who thinks this match makes sense! Put your damn hand down fool. Yes this match is going to be entertaining and Shane McMahon will no doubt be stupid enough to take a ridiculous bump but does this match actually make any sense from a storyline perspective? Not so much. It's understandable that Shane McMahon would want to come back and restore the WWE to its former glory but it's Vince's side that doesn't really make any sense. Why would the Undertaker agree to fight for Vince? What does he gain from that? Also, why would Vince not put his son up against someone like Brock Lesnar who would just physically dissect him which is evidently what Vince seems to want to happen at this point. This match just smells a bit like desperation on WWE's part and that they have just thrown together different parts to try and make themselves a great Engine, however this Engine may end up stalling if WWE aren't careful. Personally I think Undertaker needs some sort of motivation to compete in this match. Something like a WWE title shot in the future if he beats Shane. This story is almost there, it just needs something to push over the line.

Have Dean Ambrose beat Brock Lesnar

In all honestly now that I write this it doesn't really matter what happens with the result of this match. Dean Ambrose is WWE's nearly man. He is on the cusp of being "The Guy in WWE. He is everything that WWE wants Roman Reigns to be. He is entertaining, charismatic and people want him to win. Ambrose has kind of stepped into the role that Daniel Bryan filled so well, the babyface underdog role. I keep hearing people say "Ambrose should turn Heel" but why? If Ambrose turns Heel then the vast majority of people are still going to cheer him. Originally Brock Lesnar was slated to face Bray Wyatt at The Show of Shows but it was changed at the last minute to Dean Ambrose. This match is just going to be all sort of awesome. The Street Fight stipulation gives Ambrose a legitimate shot at winning and if anyone has ever seen his CZW work then they know that he is able to absorb an immeasurable amount of punishment. This match has the potential to push Dean over the edge and force WWE's hand to accept that he is the guy fans want right now. Even if Dean doesn't win, taking a brutal beating at the hands of the Beast Incarnate will help him garner huge respect from fans. Brock Lesnar should be walking out as the loser however. Lesnar has nothing to gain from winning here. He hasn't lost a match clean in around 2 years and the first person to pin him clean will get an incredible amount of momentum. If Lesnar loses to Ambrose it doesn't affect his Aura due to the Street Fight gimmick. If Ambrose wins he receives a colossal push while Lesnar will still be the dominant force he is right now.

Keep the Tag Titles on the main card

For the past two years the Tag Team Titles have been pushed to the Pre-Show card which shows both how little WWE value them and how much rubbish they actually cram onto the main show. This year this simply cannot happen. New Day are arguably the greatest thing to happen to WWE recently, they are definitely the best thing to happen to the Tag Team division since The Shield. With rumours of an extravagant entrance for The New Day at Wrestlemania, WWE simply cannot afford to have one of their biggest money makers pushed onto the pre-show. The Andre the Giant Battle Royal is much more suited to the pre show.

Sami Zayn vs Kevin Owens CANNOT be part of a multi man ladder match

Last year we had a multi-man Ladder match for the Intercontinental Title. This wasn't a particularly bad match but WWE sacrificed have a good feud with a nice plot in order to get as many people onto the show as they possibly could. This year rumor has it that they will do it again, with Miz, Ziggler and Big Show all getting involved in Sami Zayn and Kevin Owens' rivalry. Simply put, this is completely the wrong move. Sami Zayn and Kevin Owens rivalry is one of the best WWE have to offer right now. The former best friends turned bitter rivals put so much passion and fire into every thing they do with each other it's difficult to take your eyes off the screen. Sami Zayn looks to be staying on the main roster now so he needs a feud that can help him. Having Kevin Owens and Sami Zayn go at it on RAW and at Wrestlemania is nothing but goodness for both men.

The US title however, should be

This isn't me saying that the US Title isn't as prestigious as the IC Title (although recently it has dropped a little) Kalisto is an underdog and WWE have done in portraying him as such so far. Having him in this ladder match suits him pefectly as it gives him opportunities to pull of high flying spots, similar to his awesome spot at TLC last year. It also gives guys like Neville a stage to shine on whereas they might not had such as stage if this didn't take place. Kalisto, Neville, Sin Cara, Alberto Del Rio. All guys who would thrive in a multi man ladder match. Right now it looks like Kalisto will be facing Ryback at Wrestlemania which is...OK? Fans aren't exactly high on Ryback right now although his recent Heel turn has been a little more intriguing.

Women need time

It looks like we'll be having two womens matches at Wrestlemania which is awesome as it shows that WWE are starting to change their stance. While the non-title match may only be given 5-10 minutes at most, The match for the title itself has to be given plenty of time. Charlotte is doing great work as a Heel, Sasha Banks is probably one of the most over people on the roster right now and Becky Lynch is continuing to prove why she deserves to be in the title picture. These three have earned the right to be given plenty of time at Wrestlemania. If these women are give at least 20-25 minutes then this match could be outside contender for best match of the night.

Find something meaningful for AJ Styles to do

Admittedly I am a huge AJ Styles fan and have been for a long time. When he came out 3rd at the Royal Rumble I completely lost it. It also finally seems as though we will be seeing AJ Styles in a WWE ring at Wrestlemania, who'd thought it? AJ Styles is too good to be given a poor hand at Wrestlemania and this is not just me saying this as a fan. AJ Styles was awarded Most Outstanding Wrestler for both 2014 and 2015 by the Wrestling Observer Newsletter as well as the 2014 Match of the Year. It looks like we'll be getting AJ Styles vs Chris Jericho at Wrestlemania. AJ vs Jericho is good enough technically but we've all seen it already. What are they going to do at  Wrestlemania that would be any different from Fastlane? apart from Jericho winning which probably shouldn't happen. Have him face someone like Neville or Alberto Del Rio. Guys who are close to his level in the ring and have nothing to do at the moment. Who wouldn't want to see two guys like Neville and Styles go at it? Styles is another example of WWE showing willingness to move away from their big strong guys and more towards smaller and more technically gifted wrestlers. It's just a shame we'll never see AJ Styles vs Daniel Bryan.

What do you think? Is there anything else WWE needs to go to ensure a good Wrestlemania?

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