Friday 26 February 2016

Premature Wrestlemania predictions!

It's almost Wrestlemania 32 time! Yaaay! Despite the fact that some people continue to bitch and moan about Roman Reigns vs Triple H for the WWE World Heavyweight Championship, WWE have started to show signs of making Wrestlemania 32 a thorougly entertaining show which is great, especially considering the injury worries they have going into potentially the biggest Wrestlemania of all time. I've been doing this whole "How I would book" thing for a few weeks now and like Vince McMahon I refuse to change my ways! I'm joking, but seriously cheer for Roman.

Back to the topic at hand, Wrestlemania weekend looks to be shaping up pretty well especially considering the potential matches at NXT Takeover: Dallas. I won't post spoilers of those matches here if people want to be surprised but if you want to know what they are, just search around somewhere on the Internet and you'll find them. Add Wrestlemania 32 to the equation and it looks to be a thrilling weekend with lots of swerves.

A Few matches such as Lesnar Vs Ambrose, Reigns Vs Triple H and Shane McMahon vs The Undertaker (Who would've thought that would happen?) have already been made but there is plenty of room for more. So this is what I think could happen at on the grandest stage of them all in 6 weeks time.

Pre-Show: Andre The Giant Memorial Battle Royal

Ah yes, The Andre the Giant Memorial Battle Royal. This match has lots of potential to elevate someone in the company but for its first two years they haven't done that. Last year The Big Show won the match. Why? Just why? Big Show had absolutely nothing to gain by winning that match and it just felt like a complete waste of time. The year before wasn't much different. Cesaro got the win after dumping Big Show over the top rope, which was freaking awesome, but he didn't get much of a push from it. He got a bit of momentum but it ultimately didn't lead anywhere. His partnership with Paul Heyman should've resulted in gold but after Lesnar beat the streak the focus was always going to be on Heyman's partnership with Lesnar and not Cesaro.

This year WWE needs to use it to create a star. They're obviously lacking in the big name department right now so this is great opportunity. The rumor is that Braun Strowman will be winning it, urgh. Honestly I urge you right now to try and find someone who wants that to happen. Instead they need someone who the fans like to win it. Neville would be a potential pick or maybe even Rusev? He deserves a better position than he has right now.

Personally I would go with a star from NXT. Last year Hideo Itami won a tournament to compete in the Battle Royal but ultimately he had little impact on the match. This year it should be different. Someone like Samoa Joe or Sami Zayn could be a surprise entrant. Both are rumored to be Main Roster bound so this would be a perfect opportunity to get them involved right off the bat.

Pre-Show: Becky Lynch and Natalya vs Naomi and Tamina

Apparently we're going to be getting TWO womens matches at Wrestlemania! TWO! This at least shows significant change over the past year from WWE but most likely one of those matches will be pushed to the Pre-Show. Having Becky Lynch in this match pretty much tells you how I think the Diva's Championship match will go.

I hated making this decision because I'm a huge fan of Becky Lynch but it feels like WWE are building towards Charlotte vs Sasha at Wrestlemania. Don't get me wrong it will be a great match but it feels a bit unfair if Becky misses out after all the great work she's put in since late December. Either way the women's division on the Main Roster actually has quite a lot of talent and Natalya and Naomi have been particularly overlooked recently. WWE will no doubt have them on the show in some capacity to please people but having this match on the Pre-Show feels a bit of a waste considering the talent that could be in the ring.

1st Match - US Title ladder match - Kalisto/Neville/Del Rio/Sandow/Bo Dallas/Dolph Ziggler

I think WWE will start Wrestlemania in the same way that they did last year, a Ladder match! These matches aren't necessarily bad but it just feels like they're here so WWE can cram as many performers onto the show as possible.

Given the right competitors this could be a great match. Neville would be an obvious one considering his high flying move-set, especially if he's not in the Battle Royal. Other than that It feels like WWE will just put people in here for the sake of putting them in here. Last year the IC title picture was a mess leading up to Wrestlemania. The title was here, there and everywhere. Hopefully this year they will actually be sensible, although if the hot potato they've been playing with the US title recently is anything to go by, don't get your hopes up.

Stardust vs Stephen Amell

So it looks like we might be going back to this again. Recently Stardust shot an angle with Arrow star Stephen Amell, who he has previously beef with, at Dallas Comic Con. This just honestly seems like a way to get a celebrity involved with WWE. No one really benefits from this whatsoever. Honestly the less we talk about this the better.

WWE Tag Team TLC match - New Day/League Of Nations/Y2AJ/Dudleyz or Usos

Hands up if you were confused by The New Day segment at Fastlane on The Cutting Edge Peep Show? If your hand Isn't up then you're a liar! The New Day are Heels. They work best as Heels when they're insulting everyone and everything they can shake a stick at, so why work a promo with League of Nations, a group that is not only no where near as popular as New Day but also, another Heel faction?

This may just be me fishing for issues but personally It didn't make sense. Rumor is that they will both be involved in a match at Wrestlemania. Chris Jericho and AJ Styles have also recently formed a Tag Team and look set on gained Tag Team gold and The Usos and Dudleyz seem to have some major issues with each other. What better way to solve this than a TLC match? I doubt both the Usos and Dudleyz will be involved. 4 tag teams is stretching it, 5 is just too much and the whole thing just becomes overbooked. Still, lots of people are expecting to see a multi Tag-Team TLC match again at Wrestlemania so why not?

Diva's Championship - Charlotte vs Sasha Banks

Come on, we all know it's time The Boss was Champion. Charlotte struggled originally with her Face role but since transitioning into a Heel she's become a lot more comfortable. Sasha Banks seems to be one of those people who exist on the outer rim of the Face/Heel spectrum. Brock Lesnar does because he's Brock Lesnar. Sasha Banks is a great Heel but people just love to cheer for her because she's so good. She'll still be the overwhelming favourite going into this match. I still maintain that this should be a Triple Threat match but I'm more than happy to settle for this quality match.

Kevin Owens vs Sami Zayn IC Title

I think most of us are still holding out for AJ Styles vs Kevin Owens at Wrestlemania. While I would absolutely love for that to happen, AJ's recent bromance with Y2J kind of makes that hard to see. The next best thing would definitely be Kevin Owens vs Sami Zayn.

Ever since Daniel Bryan was injured last year WWE have desperately needed someone to fill that underdog role that he was so good at. Dean Ambrose looks to be a good bet at transitioning into that but Sami Zayn is the next best thing behind Daniel Bryan. Kevin Owens and Sami Zayn have had a great rivalry in the past and having that spill over onto the main roster is sure to be pure gold. The only problem I see is that with only six weeks left before Wrestlemania, is there really enough time to fill the narrative for people who aren't fully invested in this rivalry?

The next three matches have already been booked so this is more of what I think will happen.

WWE WHC - Roman Reigns vs HHH

WWE would do well to put the WWE World Heavyweight Championship on as the first of three main events. No matter how well they tell the story leading into Wrestlemania fans are still going to reject Roman Reigns at Wrestlemania. Again, WWE haven't done Reigns any favours with the venues leading up to Wrestlemania but they just have to play the hand they've been dealt. Anyway, to the match...

With recent reactions to Roman Reigns you wouldn't be surprised if WWE called an audible and decided that Triple H should walk out champion but I doubt that'll happen. Roman Reigns will win. That much is pretty much nailed on. It's what happens after that will shape the rest of the year for the Big Dog. They need to keep it simple. The Rock will be involved in Wrestlemania. Have him come out and hold Reigns' hand high in the air and then have Reigns Spear him into oblivion, thus completing a Heel turn on the biggest stage of them all. Reigns can come out next night and say he doesn't need anyone, he doesn't need The Rock and he doesn't need his "Brother" Dean Ambrose, which could potentially start a feud.

Dean Ambrose vs Brock Lesnar

This is one of those matches that you had no idea you wanted it until it had been booked. Dean Ambrose vs Brock Lesnar at Wrestlemania is just going to be a War. Dean Ambrose vs Paul Heyman on the microphone leading up to Wrestlemania is going to be a War of Words. Fans will love this match and putting it on after Reigns/HHH will make them forget anything, even Roman simply going over HHH and staying face.

The great thing about this match is that no matter what happens nobody comes out a loser. If Brock Lesnar wins then he maintains his Aura as the most dominant monster in the WWE, while Dean Ambrose will have taken an extreme amount of punishment and gained even more people's respect. If Dean Ambrose wins then Brock Lesnar still maintains his dominant Aura, but Ambrose comes out of the match with superhuman momentum going into the rest of the year.

Like I said earlier, WWE need a new underdog now Daniel Bryan is gone, Dean Ambrose is the perfect fit. He's the blue collar champion, the guy you don't expect to win but are so happy when he does. Dean Ambrose Is due a massive win on PPV after having done the job for guys like Reigns and Wyatt so many times.

Shane McMahon vs Undertaker

And it all comes down to this. Shane O Mac vs The Undertaker. I don't really know how to feel about this match to be honest. On the one hand, it's SHANE O FREAKING MAC! The guy who is willing to be Suplexed through glass and jump off the titantron for our entertainment. On the other hand it's Shane McMahon. The 46 year old father of three businessman who has absolutely no reason to get back in the ring.

I think those of us still hoping that John Cena will be involved somehow may have to accept the fact that his injury was too severe for even him to recover from in time but I would love to be proved wrong. Shane's recently been posting workout videos on Twitter as well so it looks like Shane will be wrestling in Dallas. In terms of a story line however this doesn't really make sense, why would Undertaker be willing to do a job for Vince? And who do the fans cheer for? Undertaker is automatically the face at Wrestlemania but people REALLY want Shane to be in control of RAW. It just weirds me out a little. Anyway, the match...

I doubt Shane will take any seriously ridiculous spots like jumping off the Jumbotron but he'll still go as far as he can. Personally I don't think Cena will be involved but there will be some outside interference. The match will be almost over, Undertaker is about to put Shane away with a Tombstone when the lights go black...they come back again and there are three masked men in the ring. They savagely beat down Undertaker. Then one of them goes to the top rope and hits him with a double foot stomp. They take their masks off to reveal themselves to be... Finn Balor, Doc Gallows and Karl Anderson, The Bullet Club are in WWE. They drag Shane's lifeless body on top of Undertaker. 1. 2. 3. Shane McMahon has beaten The Undertaker. Shane McMahon controls RAW. Bullet Club have just cost Undertaker a match at Wrestlemania, thus setting up a future Demon VS Deadman feud.

I know this is an extremely long shot to happen but it's the only way I've been able to think of with current circumstances that allows Shane to win and Undertaker to still look strong. Perhaps in time things will become more clear, we do have six weeks left.

What do you think? Is there anything else you think should happen?

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