Thursday 31 March 2016

NXT Takeover: Dallas Predictions!

Yes that's right we are only one night away from what could turn out to be one of the greatest nights of the year, not Wrestlemania, but Takeover: Dallas. Obviously Takeover is not going to be the spectacle that Wrestlemania is, there is not many things in the world that can match the spectacle apart from major events such as the Super bowl and The World Cup. Still, NXT Takeover:Dallas has the potential to be one of the best PPV events on the WWE's calender in 2016 and that's no joke. The quality is there and the story lines have been well built. So lets get straight into the first match...

The Revival (C) vs American Alpha

Of all the matches on the card, The Revival vs American Alpha seems the most likely to start the night off which is excellent as it will more than likely set the tone for the night. The Revival have done extremely well to get to where they are now. Many people (including myself) expected them to drop the titles to Enzo and Cass at NXT Takeover:London but they didn't and since then they've only grown in their roles as Heel Champions. They share an excellent chemistry and fluidity in the ring that is only matched by their opponents on Friday night. Speaking of their opponents, is their any Tag-Team in the world that is more over than American Alpha right now? Gable and Jordan have developed a cult following ever since being paired together. Their awesome ability in the ring, combined with their connection to the crowd has made them fan favourites.

So who will win this match? All factors seem to point to American Alpha walking out with the gold in their moment of crowning glory. While there is justifiable reasons to keep the straps on Dash and Dawson, the crowd will accept nothing less than Gable and Jordan walking out with the gold.

American Alpha to win. New NXT Tag Team Champions.

Austin Aries vs Baron Corbin

Austin Aries has been a superb acquistion for WWE but his debut has been slightly overshadowed by the likes of Shinsuke Nakamura and AJ Styles signing with the company as well as the impending debut of The Bullet Club. I must admit I wasn't familiar with Aries' work before he signed but after searching the internet I can understand what all the fuss is about. On the other side of the coin we have Baron Corbin a man who continued to grow in his time in NXT, Baron Corbin. While people such Tyler Breeze have moved up to the main roster, Corbin has been left on NXT, but this hasn't stopped him from improving. Most recently on NXT Corbin cut an excellent promo about what he was going to do to Aries and his work all round has come leaps and bounds.

So who will win the match? Austin Aries would be the safe bet here. It's very unlikely that a guy like Aries would lose his first match in NXT but even if he does beat Corbin, The Lone Wolf will no doubt come out of this match looking good yet again. Personally I think a main roster call up is imminent for Corbin. If they aren't going to give him a run with the NXT Title there is nothing more for him to do in NXT. Perhaps a Mid-Card feud with Cesaro is in order?

Austin Aries to win.

Sami Zayn vs Shinsuke Nakamura

The fact that Shinsuke Nakamura is wrestling in WWE still gives me goosebumps. Nakamura will make his in ring debut for WWE this Friday against Sami Zayn in a match that could have potential to be the Match Of The Year. Nakamura possesses a unique Charisma that just draws people towards him. He is the perfect mix of Athlete and Entertainer. There isn't many better people for him to make his debut against either. Sami Zayn was right in saying he helped get NXT to where it is and he more than deserves this match. In a way I almost feel sorry for him as he will face Nakamura and then have to compete in a Ladder match 2 days later. Don't be surprised if he walks out of Wrestlemania wrapped in Ice Packs.

So who will win the match? You've got to go with Shinsuke Nakamura to win. With such a high profile debut the chances of Sami winning this match are very slim but that doesn't mean he won't come out of this match looking like a loser. Nakamura will prove why WWE broke the bank to sign him and Zayn will prove why he's held in such high regard as well.

Shinsuke Nakamura to win.

Bayley (C) vs Asuka

This match is strange as it hasn't really had much build up in terms of story telling but it's still one of the most anticipated matches of the weekend and that's for one simple reason. Bayley is the standard bearer for Women's wrestling in the WWE right now. She is the one that has caused people to take note. Asuka is the veteran talent from overseas who has come to America to prove herself. I must say that Asuka is arguably my favourite competitor in WWE right now apart from Owens and Styles. She is just so fluid and graceful in the ring but at the same time she has the ability to completely destroy her opponent. So... will The Hugger overcome The Empress of Tomorrow?

So who will win the match? There are lots of potential outcomes for this match. A clean win for Bayley or Asuka are the most likely but could see Dana Brooke get involved, although it's a long shot. I have to say Asuka for this one. Bayley is usually billed as the underdog in her matches and she will be exactly that more than ever in this one. To be fair, The majority of people who face Asuka would be considered an underdog. A main roster call up is also likely for Bayley soon so Asuka winning would almost guarantee that. Either way, expect this to be a great match.

Asuka to win. New NXT Women's Champion.

Finn Balor (C) vs Samoa Joe

This will be the second PPV in a row that Samoa Joe attempts to win the NXT Championship from Finn Balor but by no means does that mean it will be the same as last time. WWE are often criticised for booking the same matches over and over again, with AJ Styles and Chris Jericho being a perfect example. While this may be the second time Balor faces Joe in a row on PPV, the last time they went head to head was 3 months ago. This means this match is fresh and will be completely different from last time. Ever since turning Heel, Samoa Joe has been one of the best performers on NXT TV. He's dominated opponents and made it known that he's coming after the NXT Title. Balor on the other hand has been a rare commodity on NXT TV, which has made his appeareances all the more meaningful.

So who will win the match? Similairly to Bayley vs Asuka there is a chance that The Bullet Club could interefere and make their debut but that's unlikely as the thought is they're main roster bound. Whoever loses this match will more than likely debut on RAW the night after Wrestlemania. For that reason I have to go with Samoa Joe winning this. I don't like the idea of having The Demon be beaten but if The Bullet Club are going to debut, then they're going to need their leader/ Samoa Joe would be an excellent NXT champion and it's been a while since we had a Heel champion. Apollo Crews could be a credible contender down the line for Joe, while Balor could be ripping it up on the main roster.

Samoa Joe to win. New NXT Champion.

Sunday 27 March 2016

Roman Reigns. The Good, The Bad and The Ugly

Roman Reigns is quite possibly the most divisive man in the world of Wrestling right now and for good reason. The leader of the Roman Empire has been largely resisted by the audience in his ascent to the top and has been spat out by the fans after being shoved down their throats like a foul tasting medicine. However not everything about Roman Reigns is something to boo about as there are several parts of his game that are generally pleasing to watch. So what exactly is the good, the bad and the ugly things about WWE's Big Dog?

The Good

Let's start with the good parts of Roman. The best part about Roman Reigns is his Physicality. While many people associate him with one of WWE's typical strongman types he possesses a unique agility that many men of his size don't possess. We haven't really seen that as of late but it is obviously there and WWE would do well to let him unleash that side of him. Not only is Roman very Agile and Physical in the ring but he's also a better worker than people give him credit for. In his time in WWE he's been involved in excellent matches against the like of Daniel Bryan at Fastlane 2015, Brock Lesnar at Wrestlemania 31 and even Bray Wyatt in Hell In A Cell. The perception that Roman Reigns is not very good is the fact that more than half the time he's been booked against someone who doesn't match up with him in the ring. His matches against Big Show were pretty slow and being put against the likes of Braun Strowman and Kane doesn't help either. When Roman is put against people who are able to keep up with him in the ring or people who he has good chemistry with, like Ambrose and Rollins, Reigns is able to put on memorable bouts in the ring.
Roman hits a Superman Punch on John Cena
One of the other things people seem to overlook is the fact that he has greatly improved in the ring. Out of the three original Shield members, Roman is the most Green. Seth Rollins spent plenty of time on the Independant circuit as Tyler Black while Dean Ambrose also spent plenty of time in the indies, most notably in CZW (Combat Zone Wrestling). Roman Reigns on the other hand is a product of the WWE development system which all started once he quit his football career in 2010. Because of this, many people have taken to Dean and Seth a lot easier than they have to Roman. However, to his credit Roman has put the work in and has come leaps and bounds in the ring.

Roman is also actually very young. For example, John Cena is 38 years old and at a stage in his career when he's starting to wind down and eventually become a part-time player. Roman Reigns on the other hand is only 30 which is very young for a wrestler at the top of the card in the WWE. He still has plenty of time left in his WWE career which also means he has plenty of time to win over fans before his body starts to turn on him.

The largest part of Roman Reigns which can be viewed as good is that fact that fans are able to like him. When he was part of the Shield he was the silent muscle and people loved it. He didn't say anything but he destroyed everything. Ever since The Shield was taken apart by Rollins, Reigns has been booked to become the face of WWE, however WWE's idea of what the face of their company is vastly different what Roman Reigns is as a character and a person. Reigns doesn't strike you as the person to crack jokes and smile all the time. He strikes you as the type of person that lets his actions and his fists do the talking. The sooner WWE open their eyes and realise this the sooner we can all stop complaining about it.

The Bad

Roman Reigns isn't good on the microphone let's just get that out here. He's not terrible in the sense that he stutters and forgets his lines but whenever WWE ask him to cut a long, boring promo he struggles. It doesn't help that the material that WWE writers give him is absolutely diabolical, whoever came up with the Tater Tots line should be fired. There are some people in the world of Wrestling that are naturally gifted with the stick. CM Punk, The Rock and Paul Heyman are examples of these. Roman Reigns is not one of them. Because of this WWE should be looking to try and cover the flaws in Roman Reigns' game but having him go out and cut lengthy promo's is doing the exact opposite.

Roman Reigns during his "Tater Tots" Promo
Now time for some of the more simpler aspects and that is the fact that he is completely underdeveloped compared to some of his fellow stars. For starters, his move-set is ridiculously contrived. The Superman Punch is an awful manoeuvre and the Spear is one of the most over used finishers in Wrestling history. John Cena is often maligned for his "Five moves of Doom" and have Roman consistently turn to these abilities when he's in trouble is just asking for trouble. His character also lacks depth. Apart from being that guy in The Shield and who's related to The Rock (depending on who you ask) is there anything that people really know about him? Add all these issues together and then compare him to the likes of Kevin Owens, Bray Wyatt or Seth Rollins and his character looks very simple and lacking a lot that would make him a star.

One of the major things going against Reigns is the audience. It has been no secret that Roman Reigns is WWE's chosen one and the WWE Universe have been openly vocal about their displeasure with the fact that Roman Reigns is the man chosen and not someone else. People see Roman Reigns as just a generic copy of WWE's past company icons like Cena and Hogan. Several legends have made no secret about the fact that people don't like Roman either. Jim Rose, Hacksaw Jim Duggan and Stone Cold Steve Austin have all stated that Roman isn't ready or that he needs a Heel run first and even having The Rock support him at the Royal Rumble in 2015 wasn't enough for fans to buy into him.

The Ugly

Without doubt the ugliest part about Roman Reigns is his rise to the top. It has been known news for a long time that Roman Reigns is WWE's guy but they have failed to create compelling storytelling in order to get people to get behind Reigns but nothing has worked.

It comes from 2 basic faults. The first being that Roman hasn't had very many high quality Heels to work against. Sheamus was one of the better ones due to the fact that people really didn't want Sheamus but apart from that WWE hasn't really put him up against a top Heel. Triple H in this day and age won't be viewed as a Heel and was only viewed as such against Daniel Bryan because it was Daniel Bryan which brings me on to the next point. WWE have not come up with any new ideas. To push someone new to the top is like starting all over again which means they need to come up with a completely fresh idea. Instead they've tried to copy and paste him into storylines such as the Stone Cold role against The Authority and the Daniel Bryan role as Underdog. No one has even remotely bought into these ideas. After TLC there was a period of about 2 weeks where Roman Reigns had the support of the majority of the crowd and WWE failed to capitalised on it and now we're at a point where the reaction to him is worse than it was at this point last year.

Friday 25 March 2016

Why Roman Reigns should be moulded like this NXT Superstar

I heard on the most recent episode of the New Age Insiders podcast a comparison between Roman Reigns and Baron Corbin which I thought was very interesting. Personally I've had the same sort of idea with Roman for a while now but I wouldn't make him like Baron Corbin. While I can see the reasons to turn Roman Reigns into a lone-wolf type are there, It wouldn't be Corbin that I would model Reigns around. The personality I think Roman Reigns would thrive with is that of the current NXT Championship #1 contender Samoa Joe.

There are a few reasons for that, the first being the success of his original Face run in NXT. I'm not saying that Samoa Joe was a poor Babyface because he wasn't, he was very good in the ring and very entertaining to watch, however It always felt like there was something missing when he was a Babyface. I think we all get that same feeling with Roman Reigns. Reigns has the talent in the ring but it just feels like there is something missing which right now Is the connection to the crowd.

Now look at Samoa Joe after he turned Heel on his friend Finn Balor. That situation worked out for everybody. Not only did Finn Balor gain more support from the NXT fans but Samoa Joe was able to come out of his shell and fully embrace a role that he looks very comfortable in. After turning Heel, Samoa Joe's stock has risen and he looks to be a good bet to dethrone the demon at NXTTakeover: Dallas.

On the most recent episode of NXT, Joe was yet again at his badass Heel best. First he stormed out of a backstage interview without saying a word, later that night he interrupted a match between Bull Dempsey and Danny Burch, choking them both out and sending a brutal message to Finn Balor. Every time Samoa Joe gets into the ring or even stands next to someone you just get the feeling someone is going to get hurt, that's the feeling we need right now with Roman Reigns.

This formula would be so simple to put into practice on the main roster as well. Just substitute Finn Balor for Dean Ambrose and Roman Reigns for Samoa Joe. For example, have Triple H retain at Wrestlemania 32, giving us all a swerve we didn't see coming. Then at the next PPV, Ambrose wins the WWE title. The next night on RAW, his "brother" Reigns celebrates with him and then proceeds to dismantle him. Ambrose becomes the most over babyface in WWE and Reigns can fully embrace a role that we all know he will be more comfortable in.

WWE fail to see that their fanbase continues to evolve. Fans want to see an asskicker in the WWE and while Brock Lesnar can occasionally satisfy fans desire for that, he's not around for long enough. Have Reigns drop this whole "One vs All, Believe That" rubbish and turn him Heel. No catchphrases, no talking, all destroying. Why not give him a submission as well, the majority of top superstarrs in Wrestling have had famous submissions in the past, Ric Flair, Sting, John Cena, Daniel Bryan, CM Punk, Bret Hart, hell even The Rock brought out the Sharpshooter every now and again.

WWE Creative are struggling right now but for this to work the blueprint is already there, all the need to do is put into action, as many people have said, there is more money to be made in a Heel Roman Reigns than a Face Roman Reigns and ultimately that is WWE's goal, to make money.

Wednesday 23 March 2016

Wrestlemania 32, 5 reasons to be fearful and cheerful

It's almost time for Wrestlemania! The build up for this years Wrestlemania has got people swinging off both sides of the table and they can't really decide how they feel. Some people think that WWE have done OK for the Injuries they've had to deal with so far whereas others feel like WWE have dropped the ball and that they really should've done a better job. The whole Wrestlemania week itself looks to be a great week out for fans but Wrestlemania itself? maybe not so much. That being said, here are 5 reasons to be fearful and 5 reasons to be cheerful heading into this years Show of Shows.

Fans could turn on Reigns/Triple H

This just seems to be the main event no one wants. It was obviously not the main event that was planned months in advance before the injury curse befell WWE but this is the best they've managed to come up with. The idea in itself isn't particularly bad but fans just don't want it. People continue to spit out their Roman Reigns, WWE endorsed medicine and instead have taken to eating the junk food option which is Triple H, wow that was bad, anyway the point stands, people don't really want it. What worries me the most is that this match will most likely be the main event of the show. That means this will be going on after Dean Ambrose vs Brock Lesnar in a Street Fight and Shane McMahon vs Undertaker inside Hell In A Cell. How on earth are Triple H and Roman Reigns meant to follow that without fans turning on them?

It's understandable that WWE want their main title to close out their biggest show but in this case that could potentially be a big mistake. Dean Ambrose and Brock Lesnar will undoubtebly go all out and Shane McMahon will no doubt be stupid enough to take a ridiculous bump. Following that up with a simple one on one match between Roman Reigns and Triple H and even the most hardcore of Roman Reigns fans may struggle to "get hyped" for this match, how do you think other people will react?

Inevitable WWE Network Streaming issues

This one is more for people who will be watching The Showcase of the Immortals from the comfort of their own home instead of making to long trip out to Dallas, Texas. WWE Network is a great thing. The quality of the WWE Network however leaves something to be desired. Even at their most recent PPV, Fastlane, the network was yet again plagued with issues.

Fast forward to Wrestlemania now which is the biggest show of the year, with people getting a free month of Wrestlemania there's a good chance that the network could go into overload and break down such is the luck of WWE right now.

A lacking Undercard

Personally there are only 3 matches I'm pumped for at Wrestlemania as of writing this. AJ Styles vs Chris Jericho, the women's Triple Threat match and Dean Ambrose vs Brock Lesnar. Apart from that I really have no interest in anything else at this moment. The Intercontinental Title match is simply WWE pushing as many people on the card as they can which sacrifices Kevin Owens chance at a one on one match. I haven't seen many people who care for Ryback vs Kalisto, the multi diva tag match or The Usos vs The Dudleyz

They aren't going to be particularly bad matches but the build up to those matches has failed to get people emotionally invested in the bouts. Ryback doesn't particularly have any heat right now, good or bad, The Usos vs The Dudleyz have had very little time on the microphone to further their bad blood with each other and the multi woman match is just WWE wanting to squish more women on the card to try and show they're changing their stance on Women's wrestling.

All those celebrity appearances taking up time from wrestling matches

It feels like it's going to get to a point where WWE have their own sponsored show which is just a celebrity pop concert while Wrestlemania is going on. WWE want to have mainstream celebrity appearances at Wrestlemania in order to try and get more people interested in it. Fair enough, that's OK, having maybe one performance by a musician is OK, it allows people who don't want to listen go to the bathroom, get some snacks, whatever, just don't fill the damn card with them. The more celebrity cameos we have, the less wrestling we have which means that people are less interested in the people in the ring and therefore struggle to gain support from the crowd.

The whole thing has clearly been rushed. 

You can't tell me that the current card was planned by WWE 6 months ago because it wasn't. The only match that you could say has been set in stone for a long time is maybe the women's triple threat match and the fact that Roman Reigns would be wrestling for the title. Everything else has more than likely been thrown together in the past couple of months. It would be OK if they managed to put some intriguing match ups together but they haven't and fans have seen right through it. Why have Kalisto vs Ryback instead of Kalisto defending in a multi man Ladder match, it's as if they forgot that Kalisto won a Slammy for his spot at TLC.

WWE are the largest promotion in the world. They should've been able to put together a card that satisfied fans even with the injuries they have. There are plenty of fans out there, including myself, who have put together their own fantasy cards that make WWE's Wrestlemania card look like a pile of rubbish. If WWE just listened to the people then maybe they wouldn't be in this mess.

Now that those awful negative vibes are out of my system, let's get onto the positives.

The women will (hopefully) get time

The Wrestlemania card overall may be a little underwhelming but the women's triple threat match is sure to be an entertaining one. As long as WWE give Becky Lynch, Sasha Banks and Charlotte enough time to go out there and tell a story then this match will be great. On Twitter I saw @DCMatthewsNAI mention that in 90+ hours of Wrestlemania. Only 90 MINUTES of that have been dedicated to women, including bra and panties matches and catfights. That in itself is just shocking. If WWE go ahead and let this match go on for about 20 minutes then it's an outside shot for match of the night but again this all relies on WWE changing their stance and we all know Vince's view on changing his ways.

Dean vs Brock will be a war

While I've made my dislike of the Wrestlemania card well known, this is the match that I am most looking forward to. Dean Ambrose vs Brock Lesnar is an interesting one for two reasons. The first is that there is no Heel in this match. If you had to pick one it would be Brock but Brock is what he is and people aren't going to boo him. The second reason is that this is a Street Fight. In a one on one wrestling match there is no doubt that Lesnar would absolutely annihilate Ambrose, but with the Street Fight rules in play, Ambrose can tap into his CZW past and long story short, this will be a bloody war. We've all seen Brock's willingness to shed the crimson stuff for the cause and Dean more than likely will do the same. This is one of those matches where the winner of the matches really doesn't matter because whatever happens, both men will come out of this looking like a million bucks.

Shane McMahon vs Undertaker will be intriguing

This Shane McMahon vs Undertaker feud has as much of a foundation as a wooden house made on sand next to the Atlantic ocean. There is just nothing there for people to understand why this is really happening. That being said, this match will be intriguing because people don't know what's going to happen. Will WWE give Shane the win to have him control RAW? Will Undertaker win and continue his Wrestlemania legacy? There could also be a swerve to the match as well. There is time to put a special referee the match. We could also see the debut of a certain New Japan Stable but in fairness that's a bit far fetched. Even so, this match will be entertaining.

The Rock will be a Wrestlemania

FINALLY, THE ROCK, HAS COME BACK, TO WRESTLEMANIA!! And he has no idea what he is doing!!! Yes we have no idea what WWE's biggest mainstream star will be doing at Wrestlemania but he is still The Rock and he is still entertaining to watch. Whatever he does will add something to the show, as long as it isn't a long drawn out segment like last year. Personally I think a simple celebrity appearance will be enough. If he supports Roman Reigns then it makes Roman look weak and he needs to get over by himself. Nevertheless, The Rock will be at Wrestlemania and you can bet you're candy ass that he will be doing something good.

It will still be a good spectacle

I'll be honest I'm clutching at straws here. Despite the fact that Wrestlemania may be full of B-list Celeb appearances and poorly told storylines that have culminated in matches that nobody is particularly interested in, it is still Wrestlemania and it is still one of the biggest sporting events of the year. Wrestlemania will be talked about all round the world and this is pretty much what WWE wants. I doubt they are particularly bothered about the quality on the show this year due to the fact that they've been cursed with injury but as long as the show itself is the massive spectacle we expect it to be, WWE will be happy.

Tuesday 22 March 2016

Monday Night RAW Review - 21/03/2016

Lets all just say it, RAW in Philadelphia sucked last night. In my opinion it was pretty average at best and if there were people out there who actually enjoyed the entire show, well, good for you and I'm glad you were able to while the majority of us couldn't. We are just 12 days away from what some people have called potentially the biggest Wrestlemania of all time and right now it doesn't even feel like the biggest Wrestlemania of the past two years. Obviously WWE will probably have some sort of surprise in store for Wrestlemania but right now the card makes for pretty difficult reading. Last night should have been an all out attempt to get people to buy in to the show of shows at Dallas, Texas but in all honestly it was a pretty weak attempt at trying to fill 3 hours.

The night started off with Stephanie McMahon and Roman Reigns in the ring. Philadelphia didn't shower boo's upon Roman Reigns but they were noticeably louder than any positive reactions he got when he entered the ring. WWE were wise in their showcase of Reigns in the fact that he went to the ring, said his piece and then left, as he should. He didn't pander to the crowd, he didn't try to make any wisecracks, he went out there and was completely serious and then left. He also entered down the ramp again which could hopefully signal a change in his portrayal, I.E new gear and new music as well.
Roman Reigns and Stephanie McMahon get Physical on RAW
This segment was good. It wasn't the type of long drawn out segment we've come to expect at the start of every RAW which is great to see. WWE look like they are starting to understand how Roman Reigns should be booked, unfortunately it's about 3 months later than the rest of us. The majority of people have stated this is how Roman should be portrayed for months and WWE are only just starting to listen so for some people, and to a degree myself, it's too little too late and they just aren't that bothered any more.

After that we got a mouther watering match between AJ Styles and Kevin Owens, what many people believe should have been the match at Wrestlemania. This match just screamed PPV quality. They were given 20 minutes of time to showcase their skills and even with 2 ad breaks this match still blew our socks off. Kevin Owens hit a beautiful frog splash and AJ Styles pulled out a nice Torture Rack. Eventually Chris Jericho interfered yet again to cost AJ the victory.
Kevin Owens faces off with AJ Styles
Who'd have thought Kevin Owens would be facing AJ Styles on RAW? This was such an entertaining match and it's another meaningful contribution from Styles early on in his WWE career. Personally I think the distraction from Y2J was unnecessary. Styles was made to look like a fool like he was on SmackDown but nevertheless this match made for great viewing.

Next WWE aired a segment of Dean Ambrose at a bar in Philadelphia where he runs into none other than Terry Funk! WWE's buildup of Ambrose has been excellent going into Wrestlemania in terms of having him receive endorsements from legends such as Funk and Foley. The match between Ambrose and Lesnar is arguably \WWE's best booked match right now and I dread anyone who has to follow it, because you just know that both Ambrose and Lesnar will go all out and will probably even draw blood to make this entertaining.

Following on from their match last week, Big E went up against League of Nations member Rusev. As you would expect, both teams got involved in this match. Big E took a partcularly nasty bump when he speared Sheamus through the ropes near the end of the match. Eventually Kofi Kingston snuck in a kick to the head of Rusev and Big E landed the Big Ending for the win.

Rusev hits Big E with a kick during their match
To be honest this is a little confusing for me. New Day have turned Face, OK. Any reason as to why apart from simply being over? That's not really enough for a casual fan to understand why New Day have suddenly had a change of heart. Personally I think their face turn is already a little weird. I said before that New Day were so excellent as Heels because they were able to insult whichever city they were in, they can't do that as Faces. Overall this rivalry just doesn't feel like it has enough momentum going into Wrestlemania. League of Nations are yet to pick up a victory against New Day and WWE waited too long to make them look strong.

Now the Andre the Giant Battle Royal should be a way for WWE to elevate a new star. To an extent it kind of worked for Cesaro but eventually his momentum fizzled out and having Big Show win was just a pointless move, this year WWE need to use it to create some momentum for somebody. Right now nobody gives a crap about the match. Who's in it right now? The Social Outcasts, Big Show and most likely Kane. Not really much reason to get excited. The segment on RAW between Show, Kane and The Social Outcasts just felt like it didn't do anything. Is Kane a Heel now? Why did he help Big Show? The Battle Royal at Wrestlemania needs to add some good names to the mix, The Wyatts would be a start as well as some names from NXT hopefully who can shine given a bigger stage, Tye Dillinger, Samoa Joe and Apollo Crews to name a few.

Remember when Fandango beat Chris Jericho at Wrestlemania 3 years ago? Chris Jericho would probably like you to forget that. We had a rematch of that match on RAW which was OK I guess. Eventually AJ came out to interrupt the match, however Jericho still managed to execute the Codebreaker on Fandango for the win and afterwards AJ challenged Jericho to a match at Wrestlemania.

Chris Jericho delivers a nasty chop to Fandango
This match wasn't exactly a technical masterclass but It was good in helping showcase Jericho as the mean and nasty Heel he was. This whole feud with AJ and Y2J feels largely unnecessary to me. I understand that they are doing it to help get casual fans to side with AJ by having him face a Heel Jericho but they could've done this at Fastlane, freeing up AJ for a match against someone like Kevin Owens at Wrestlemania.

Earlier in the night Kevin Owens managed to persuade Stephanie McMahon to allow him to make a Triple Threat match to decide a No. 1 conteder for the Intercontinental Title at Wrestlemania. Instead of it being between Sami Zayn, Dolph Ziggler and The Miz, Kevin Owens decided to have Stardust, Sin Cara and Zack Ryder compete. Eventually the match ended in a DQ and Stephanie McMahon announced a 7 man Ladder match at Wrestlemania.

A brawl ensues during the Triple Threat match on RAW
For me, this match was definitive proof that WWE has no idea what their own fans actually want. For starters. This match ended in a Disqualification. Yes, a Triple Threat match ended in a Disqualification, WWE are clearly making up their own rules now. Secondly Kevin Owens has been one of WWE's most standout acts over the past six months, while others have floundered he has consistently been the best Heel and arugably the best performer on the roster ever since Seth Rollins tore his Knee apart. In short, Kevin Owens deserves his own match at Wrestlemania one on one with a good narrative instead of just being thrown in as part of the annual Ladder match. Kalisto and the US title are much more suited to that because A) Kalisto is suited to Ladder matches B) nobody really cares about Ryback vs Kalisto and C) The prestige of the US title has already been damaged in recent months so why do the same to the IC title. I'm glad that |Zack Ryder is on the Wrestlemania card as he deserves to be there but if a man who hasn't won a match on RAW since 2014 can get a title shot, don't be surprised to see Kevin Owens vs Michael Cole at Payback next month.

Roman Reigns followed up his promo by assaulting Triple H in the parking lot. Again it was how Roman should be portrayed but this should've closed the show. It would've had more effect and the show closes on a high note for Reigns.

Next Charlotte faced off against Natalya with Sasha Banks and Becky Lynch on commentary. It was a good match as you'd expect between these two women and it ended with Charlotte eventually getting the win over Natalya via Pinfall.

Charlotte nails Natalya with a Big Boot
It was hard not to be focused on commentary rather than what was going on in the ring. This just all felt like WWE tried to cram everything into one segment. Natalya deserves better than the cards she's being dealt at the moment. Hopefully in the near future we may see Natalya vs Sasha/Becky for the title at a PPV as that would be an excellent match all round.

WWE followed that match with R-Truth vs Bubba Ray Dudley. Seriously. The match was pretty tame and Bubba Ray eventually beat R-Truth with a kick to face. Goldust then came out to make the save and was attacked by D-Von. Then out came The Usos to try and put D-Von through a table but The Dudleyz managed to escape.

Jey Uso nails Bubba Ray with a Superkick
This whole rivalry just feels completely rushed. Neither The Usos nor The Dudleyz have been given any microphone time to add anything to their feud, instead relying on in ring beatdowns to try and get this feud over, which hasn't worked. This whole thing is more suited to a PPV like Fastlane rather than Wrestlemania. Bubba is doing pretty well in his Heel role it must be said, as you would expect after his stint as Bully Ray in TNA.

The second to last segment of the night featured Vince McMahon annoucing a surprise stipulation to the Shane McMahon vs Undertaker match at Wrestlemania. The promo was accompanied by video packages designed to put over the match by legends such as Steve Austin, Mick Foley, Shawn Michaels and they even squeezed Road Dogg in there! Eventually Vince announced that should Undertaker lose to Shane in Dallas, it would be his last Wrestlemania.

Vince McMahon prepares to address the WWE Universe
The video packages were a good addition as it made this match feel bigger than it already does. Having said that, this was pretty much a waste of time. There are just so many ways to get around this that it felt like WWE trying to make this seem more important but it didn't work. The fact that neither Shane nor Undertaker were there didn't help matters.

Finally, RAW ended with Dean Ambrose facing Braun Strowman in the main event and I can't believe I actually just typed that sentence. The match itself was poorly recieved both online and by the crowd who even resorted to "This Is Boring" chants that were hard to argue with. Eventually the match ended in DQ and Ambrose nailed Strowman with Dirty Deeds on a chair.

Dean Ambrose attacks Braun Strowman with a Steel Chair
What a disappointing end to a disappointing show. Even listening to Paul Heyman on commentary couldn't save this. I understand why WWE did this. They wanted Ambrose to look strong against a beast going into Wrestlemania but this wasn't the way to do it. If Lesnar isn't going to be at RAW then they have to let Heyman and Ambrose go at it verbally.

Overall this episode of RAW was pretty bad. The main event was given "This Is Boring" treatment and you can't really blame Philadelphia after having to sit through three hours of that. Brock Lesnar, Undertaker and Shane McMahon were not in attendance which was dreadful. During an Injury crisis like this it is the time that WWE should be shelling out more money and asking Lesnar and Taker to do more dates. Right now we are 12 days away from Wrestlemania and fans should be frothing at the mouth impatiently and instead quite a few are rather disinterested. Next week in Brooklyn, WWE need to step up their game.

Friday 18 March 2016

How I would book The Wyatt Family going forward

Rumour has it that Bray Wyatt is in line for a push after Wrestlemania which is great news. WWE Creative have justifiably come under a lot of criticism recently for their booking of pretty much everybody, but no one has been booked quite as badly in WWE right now as Bray Wyatt and his brethren. Wyatt has all the tools needed to succeed in the WWE. He has an excellent gimmick, he is a great talker on the microphone and most importantly, fans are willing to buy what he is selling. Wyatt has continually been buried by the likes of Cena, Undertaker and Reigns, all while winning a small filler feud here and there. The final straw for many fans came when he and the rest of the Wyatt Family lost to Big Show, Ryback and Kane at Fastlane, seriously why did this happen? Despite this however during a showdown with Triple H on RAW recently he ran his fingers across the WWE World Title and he got a significant pop showing that people are still willing to get behind Wyatt. It is going to take a lot to bring Wyatt back from the abysmal booking he's received but it would be worth it as it allows WWE to have a true top level Heel in the company which they are desperately lacking so here is how I would book Bray Wyatt moving forward.

Wrestlemania 32 - The rumor right now is that Bray Wyatt is suffering from a back injury which is why he doesn't have anything on at Wrestlemania. Even if this is the case he can still get involved the Battle Royal. Have him simply exit the ring at the start under the bottom rope and get the Wyatts to get rid of everyone else. At the end all the Wyatts exit over the top rope and Bray Wyatt gets back in the ring. He wins the match and picks up a microphone and says something like "The winds are changing and that something is coming"

Payback/Extreme Rules - Simply put, WWE need to extend Bray Wyatt's family. They need to be more dominant. Have them force people to join them. Notable candidates would be people like Bo Dallas (Bray Wyatt's ACTUAL Brother), Curtis Axel, Adam Rose, Goldust, Kane, The Ascension and Ryback. All these guys are being floundered right now so in the two months following Wrestlemania have Wyatt try to recruit them and if they refuse, force them in some way.

Money In the Bank - Now this one is going to weird a lot of people out but the next step is logically to give Bray a major win to make him look strong. I picked Brock Lesnar. The reason for this is that A) It's Brock Lesnar and he's the strongest person on the roster and B)Lesnar will always be a beast. His aura transcends the WWE. Bray Wyatt obviously wouldn't win clean, he would receive help from his family so even then Lesnar would still look strong. Having him make a statement like beating Brock would be a major way to make people take notice.

Battleground - The next logical step would be to put gold on some of the family. So at the next PPV have Strowman and Rowan/another member of the Wyatts win the Tag Team titles from a group like New Day or Enzo and Cass who would be undeniably over, gaining so good heat in the process, while Luke Harper wins the IC title preferably from Sami Zayn, a natural Babyface. At this point the Wyatt's are looking really really strong.

Summerslam - Summerslam rolls around and this is another period of The Wyatt's gaining the gold. Earlier in the night, Sasha Banks would be defeated by whoever the Wyatt's have recruited to be "Sister Abigail" preferably someone not on the main roster right now. Another Wyatt Family member wins the US Title from Kalisto/Neville. Bray then faces a majorly popular WWE WHC Dean Ambrose in the main event. He beats him clean. Every single title is now on The Wyatt Family.

Hell in a Cell - At the next PPV which would be Hell In A Cell because lets face it the Night of Champions gimmick is largely pointless as all the titles are usually defended anyway. In the main event Bray Wyatt defeats John Cena inside HIAC for the WWE Title. This would make yet another major statement having Bray Wyatt defeat the franchise machine himself. You could even have The Wyatt Family interfere here if WWE were desperate on keeping Cena strong but a clean loss would be a better statement for Wyatt.

Survivor Series - Team Wyatt Family vs Team WWE. At this point the rest of the roster is pretty sick to death of The Wyatts so a select few decide to join together to try and take them down at Survivor Series. They put up a good fight but in the end it's in vain The Wyatt family comes out on top yet again.

TLC - Leading up to TLC there will be noticeable tension between Bray Wyatt and his second in command Luke Harper over the way the Wyatt Family is being led. Wyatt say they are in a good position but Harper wants more, he wants to destroy the entire roster until there is nobody left and The Wyatts have completely taken over the WWE. At TLC Bray Wyatt retains the WWE Title in a TLC match but there is still blatant tension between Bray and Luke this is also amplified by the fact that The Wyatt's are starting to show signs of weakness with Luke Harper losing the IC title to Neville/Styles/Owens earlier in the night as well as Becky Lynch defeating "Sister Abigail"

Royal Rumble - Bray Wyatt vs Seth Rollins. At this point Seth Rollins is the most over babyface in wrestling. He returned to a hero's welcome in 2016 and defeated his former mentor Triple H for turning his back on him when he got injured. Seth has also now finally got his rematch that he deserves after being forced to vacate the title.  Wyatt loses the match after an inadvertent distraction from The Wyatts. They come out to try and distract Rollins but instead Bray is the one fooled and Rollins gets the Schoolboy Roll up. Rollins is champ. Bray is seething. In the Rumble match a furious Bray orders them to help him win but instead The Wyatt's turn on him under order of Luke Harper and dump him out. Ambrose eventually wins the match which somehow sets up a Shield Triple Threat at Wrestlemania 33.

Bray Wyatt is now a Face and Harper is leading The Wyatt Family. However some of the Wyatts are torn. They respect Luke Harper but they also feel a responsibility to defend their former mentor who made them what they are.  Eventually over the coming weeks the sides are firmly chosen and the showdown will be concluded at Wrestlemania.

Wrestlemania - Team Bray vs Team Harper with the loser disbanding or being bled into the other team as well as a final grudge match between Harper and Wyatt preferably a No Holds Barred match. Bray and Harper would go to war and potentially put on one of the best matches of the year.

This is the most simplified way I could think of to book The Wyatt's off the top of my head, bear in mind this took me about 20 minutes to think of and write. The only problem with this is that it would highlight WWE Creative's issues as they would need to create storylines away from the Wyatt's not involving the championships.

What do you think? Is there a better way to book the Wyatts?

Tuesday 15 March 2016

Why WWE need a ranking system for their Titles

Recently at WWE Roadblock, The New Day defeated Sheamus and King Barrett for the WWE Tag Team Championships. Great. 2 days later on RAW, The New Day defeated the other two members of the League of Nations, Alberto Del Rio and Rusev, again with the WWE Tag Team Championships on the line. This time not so great. There was one major thing that stuck out like a sore thumb in that match and it wasn't JBL's poor attempt at trying to put over the League of Nations as a dominant Tag Team. The more pressing point was what on earth had Alberto Del Rio and Rusev, and even to some extent, King Barrett and Sheamus done to deserve a shot at the Tag Team Titles?

The League of Nations haven't exactly set the world alight. When they were first created they felt like they were put together for two very simple reasons. The first, so that each man would actually have something meaningful to do instead of doing and secondly, to act as cannon fodder for Roman Reigns' push towards the WWE World Heavyweight Championship. Sheamus had a pretty forgettable run with the World Title and Alberto Del Rio didn't really do anything with the United States Championship either. Recently the group has scored a few pinfall victories here and there but not really anything to shout about which means that they were given the shot simply because WWE Creative couldn't think of anything else to do.

I'm aware that WWE's tag team division isn't as great as it used to be right now, but they still have plenty of groups. New Day, League of Nations, The Usos, The Dudleyz, The Ascension, The Social Outcasts, The Wyatt Family. All tag teams or Stables that have competed on RAW recently. With all these teams and nothing to really do with them, if WWE had a legitimate ranking system it would mean that things would be much more clearer. For example it would look something like this.


1. League Of Nations
2. The Usos
3. The Dudleyz
4. The Wyatt Family
5. The Social Outcasts
6. The Ascension

Not only do each of these groups now know where they stand in order to get a title shot for themselves but the fans also process it more clearly as well. You can have a Tag-Team bout between one of the groups on RAW and Smackdown every week, with the winner advancing up the rankings. You may argue that, "Yes, this is all well and good but with 7 Tag Teams would that really work?" You would be correct, but look at it this way, WWE has tons of other teams that I haven't listed. Prime Time Players suddenly disappeared, The Lucha Dragons could still be a team, and then you have all the teams from NXT that have yet to be called up.

This wouldn't just be exclusive to the Tag Team division either, you could have it for every single Title. This would help someone like Reigns gain some credibility. For example, this is how the WWE Title rankings would probably look right now.


1. Roman Reigns
2. Dean Ambrose
3. Brock Lesnar
4. Bray Wyatt
5. Kevin Owens
6. Chris Jericho

Again, with a depleted roster, it wouldn't work as well but think about it this way. If Reigns were to lose at Wrestlemania, that would result in him dropping down the rankings, maybe to 3rd behind Ambrose and Lesnar. At the next PPV this would mean that Dean would face Triple H for the title and Reigns could face Lesnar. If Reigns won then he would progress up the rankings and if Dean lost then Reigns would have a legitimate stake at a WWE World Heavyweight Championship match.

Not only would this make thins much simpler to understand but it would also give guys who maybe didn't have a shot at a title seem like they actually did. Example, this would be the IC title rankings right now.

CHAMPION: Kevin Owens

1. Neville
2. The Miz
3. Sami Zayn
4. Big Show
5. Dean Ambrose

Now you may ask, why the hell is The Big Show on there?! Well he recently scored a victory over Kevin Owens on RAW if you remember. Dean Ambrose also never received his rematch so technically he stills remains on the list.

Yes this seems like a long shot and yes there are some issues with the system such as the current depleted roster but if WWE wanted to add a sense of legitimacy to their business then this is the way to do it. Fans know who is going to face who at the next PPV and it allows WWE to easily create a narrative to go with it instead of just lumping one together on the fly.

6 talking points from last night's RAW

We're now only 3 weeks away from Wrestlemania and WWE still have quite a bit of work to do, both to sell the main event's between Undertaker and Shane McMahon, as well as Triple H vs Roman Reigns, but also to develop what right now is looking like a pretty mediocre under card. It was a strange night last night if im honest because the show itself wasn't bad, it wasn't great but it was in no way bad, but the crowd just didn't seem into it at all. No one particularly cared about anything. Dean Ambrose probably got the loudest pop of the night when he came to the ring, showing that his status with the people has not diminished after his loss at WWE Roadblock. Even Shane McMahon and The Undertaker didn't get the the huge reactions you thought they would. So what were the biggest takeaways of last night?

Roman reigns!....briefly

Dolph Ziggler faced Triple H on an episode of RAW in 2016. I never thought i'd be saying that. This match was very similar to the match between Ambrose and Triple H at Roadblock. It started a little slow but after ever near fall the match became more and more interesting. Eventually Triple H hit the Pedigree for the 1 2 3 and that was that. A bit of a strange result but it keeps The Game looking strong going into Wrestlemania.

And then out comes Roman Reigns to a pretty lukewarm reaction. Let's start off by saying that the beat down was executed by Reigns perfectly. It was believable and he came off as the angry badass he should've been portrayed as all this time. However, at this point it just seems too late for people to even care anymore. WWE yet again screwed up another golden opportunity to garner support for Reigns. Reigns is supposed to be the top Babyface right? So why not come out to distract Triple H, allowing Ziggler to get the win. The beat down could've simply happened after that. Instead Roman just looks like a bit of a selfish jerk.  Another small side note, why was he in his gear, surely returning in his own clothes instead of his ring gear would've had a better effect?

Yes, I've never been a massive supporter of Reigns and I won't claim to be either. WWE missed their opportunity to put Reigns in the top spot two years ago when Daniel Bryan was forced to vacate the title. Instead they did their classic move of going with the safe option and put the belt on John Cena. People who defend Reigns right now by saying that he gets a good reaction from a sizable portion of the crowd just like Cena should realise this, Cena gets a massive reaction from both ends of the crowd, those being huge cheers from the kids who he is focused towards and huge boo's from pretty much everyone else. Reigns on the other hand is boo'ed and cheered pretty decently both ways. He also doesn't shift nearly as much merchandise as Cena does.

As long as the WWE have The Authority in power they will look for someone to be the heroic babyface to take them down. Daniel Bryan was that guy, Roman Reigns is not.

New Day, New face turn

I'll admit I wasn't keen on a New Day face turn to begin with. I always felt like their work was so entertaining because as a Heel they could go to town on whichever town or city they happened to be in, making fun of everything from their culture to their food to their sports teams. Watching New Day's face turn however has been very good. Not only has it garnered yet more support for New Day (If that was even possible) but last nights beating from the League of Nations gave Sheamus and Co. the best reaction they've had since they came together.

New Day have now faced all four members of the League of Nations and while the matches haven't been particularly spectacular they have been pretty good. I suddenly find myself a little intrigued by the idea of New Day vs League of Nations at Wrestlemania. Credit to you WWE Creative, well done.

McMahon gets lost on the road to Wrestlemania

No this is not me having a subtle dig at the fact that Shane McMahon messed up his lines. The guy has been away for so long he's bound to be a little rusty. This is more to do with the fact that WWE have continued to fail to answer fans questions about why this match is happening. Why is Undertaker working for Vince? What is his motivation behind this? There is little logic behind this match right now. Vince needs to give Undertaker a reason to beat Shane McMahon, something like a WWE title shot or a place backstage in the company when he retires, just any motivation will do at this point.

As much as this match will probably be entertaining, it just has that feel of a match that was desperately thrown together at the last minute to try and appease the fans who were rebelling against Roman Reigns. It's worked to an extent so far, but people are starting to realise that this isn't actually as it should be. WWE Creative are getting shafted by fans right now for their poor and uncreative storytelling and this feud is doing them no favours.

The Big Guy and his little friend Kalisto

Why is this happening? Seriously, why? Ryback faced Sin Cara tonight and had you not been looking at the screen you would've thought that everyone in the crowd had been sent to a different dimension. Nobody cared. So why in their right mind do WWE think that people are going to enjoy this match. There are many people who care about Ryback right now, he's not explosive or entertaining in the ring and he's pretty bland on the microphone. Kalisto on the other hand is extremely entertaining in the ring, so why pair him with The Big Guy? Kalisto would be able to put a much better match on if he was part of the multi man ladder match at Wrestlemania, do you remember that spot at TLC? of course you do.

Dean Ambrose and his buddy Mickles

Well Dean Ambrose didn't beat Triple H, but he's still got a match against Brock Lesnar at Wrestlemania which will probably be Match of the Night and a Match of the Year candidate. Ambrose came out to what was the loudest pop of the night. Out came Brock Lesnar and Paul Heyman to do what they do and this was all in all a great segment. Ambrose still looked strong after losing at Roadblock and the focus was promptly shifted back to Lesnar vs Ambrose at Wrestlemania. Ambrose did well to remind us of how this was a Street Fight by revealing a crowbar in his jacket, imagine if that was something else...

Then we had a segment between Mick Foley and Dean Ambrose backstage. This was just brilliant. Everyone was wondering how Foley would fit in to RAW this week and this was the perfect way to do it. Most people have called it a passing of the torch moment between Foley and Ambrose and that's pretty fitting as Foley gave Dean his beloved "Barbie" for his use against Lesnar at Mania. Foley proving that legends can always come back and have a huge impact on current story lines.

No Daniel Bryan?

This one is a bit out there but was anyone else dissapointed to not see Daniel Bryan on RAW? Rumours were running rampant that DB would be on RAW as he was photographed with wife Brie in Pittsburgh. He was actually in Pittsburgh being the wonderful Daniel Bryan that he is and doing charity work but you can't help but feel a little dissapointed. Damn you Internet!

Sunday 13 March 2016

Roadblock Review - An entertaining yet largely pointless Network special

There's been a lot of criticism online for WWE Roadblock last night, mainly due to the finish but it's hard to imagine what people actually thought would happen. The chances of Dean Ambrose walking out with the WWE World Heavyweight Championship were slim at best, yet people still complained about the result, much like they did at Fastlane a couple of weeks ago. People should remember that Roadblock was pure and simply a glorified House Show which had an outside chance of a swerve in the main event. Anyone who's ever been to a house show knows that Title's do not change hands at House Shows (Although I think occasionally one should just to add intrigue).

New Day vs The League of Nations kicked off the show and was actually pretty entertaining. The League of Nations have been stuck in a rut recently despite being made up of pretty talented workers. It looks like they might go into part of a multi-man Tag Team match at Wrestlemania which is OK I guess. New Day showed this past week on RAW that they do their best work with quick paced action alongside guys who can keep up with their pace, like Y2J and AJ Styles. The New Day are interesting because it looks like they've managed to pull off their face turn already. There is no doubt that New Day deserve a big spot on the card at Wrestlemania due to their work this past year. This match wasn't exactly a classic but it was pretty entertaining to watch.

Next up was Chris Jericho vs Jack Swagger which just seemed like one of those matches that WWE Creative decided just to pick the first person they saw backstage. Jericho came out and cut a Jericho Heel promo as he does, really well. Then out comes the heroic Babyface, Jack Swagger! Yes, apparently WWE thought Jack Swagger, an American Patriot, would be well received against a Heel Chris Jericho, one of Canada's greatest Wrestlers. This match was bad per say it just felt like It was there to get Y2J on the card. If they wanted him to face someone they should've had him face Sami Zayn. Jericho would've received a lot more Heat for beating Zayn. 

Enzo and Cass vs The Revival came next and Enzo and Cass are the definition of being over. Watching this match made the recent rumor that Vince McMahon isn't a fan of NXT even more baffling. Enzo and Cass are the type of thing that Vince McMahon likes. They're thoroughly entertaining, both on the mic and in the ring, while Big Cass looks like a monster at 7ft tall. The Revival are a great throwback to the tag teams of old and have shown to be deserving of their run as NXT Tag Team Champs. For me, this match was the match of the night. Full of great spots, both teams had great chemistry together and you were on the edge of your seat watching it. Enzo and Cass are pretty much due a main roster call up soon but don't be surprised if Dash and Dawson come with them. Both teams would thoroughly improve the lackluster Tag Division on RAW.

Charlotte vs Natalya for the Diva's title came next and this is exactly the type of Women's Wrestling people have been praying for since this whole "Diva's revolution" started. This was just a wrestling clinic between two fantastic in-ring workers. This was a proper wrestling match that had people, including myself, glued to the screen. We all knew that the Diva's title wouldn't change hands this close to Wrestlemania but this didn't take away from the entertainment of the match. Natalya again proved that her talent in being underutilized in WWE. Charlotte proved that her work has continued to improved. The only qualm I have is that Charlotte's matches continue to have strange finishes. This isn't in the sense that she cheats to win, more that it seems to be a bit botched every time. Still a great match though.

Next was Lesnar vs Wyatt and this was just strange. Lesnar is WWE's biggest draw and probably will be until he leaves or retires. He has the ability to put anybody over. Having Wyatt in a match with Lesnar here would've helped him gain back some credibility, even if he lost which we knew he would. Instead they had Lesnar fight Harper which was a pretty pointless decision. Harper is underrated in the ring but this match didn't go on long enough to prove that. Furthermore, Lesnar had no interaction with Bray in this match. Wyatt cost Lesnar a shot at Main Eventing Wrestlemania, If Brock is the destructive monster WWE paint him as then why is he not trying to absolutely annihilate Bray Wyatt for what he did. This match was just there. Lesnar was Lesnar. Harper ate a pin. Wyatt didn't get involved. Overall a pretty pointless affair.

Sami Zayn vs Stardust was next and the crowd was surprisingly dead for this match. Maybe it was because Lesnar was just on or maybe it was because this was more predictable than the fact that kittens grow up to be cats. Did anyone really think that Sami Zayn was going to lose this match to STARDUST? The match itself was pretty good but again, people had no reason to buy into it because they already knew what the result was going to be. Watching Sami Zayn makes you worry a little because it seems like WWE already don't know what to do with him outside of the Kevin Owens rivalry, which they claim started in NXT "cue face palm".

And now to the main event, Dean Ambrose vs Triple H. There was only ever going to be a slim chance of Dean Ambrose walking out champion here and deep down I think everyone accepted that it wasn't going to happen, even if they were the most hardcore Ambrose marks. This was a very entertaining match, it started off a little slow but it gained speed towards the end. Obviously we got the screwy false finish to make us believe that Ambrose had won but it was executed poorly on all fronts, both by Ambrose and by WWE. Ambrose got the 3 count but his foot was under the ropes. Now I don't know about you but I didn't know it was a rule that if the man executing the pinfall's foot was under the ropes then the call doesn't count. I would say about 80% of wrestling fans didn't know this either. Why then go that route? It was thoroughly confusing to everyone which was amplified by the fact that Ambrose's foot wasn't ACTUALLY under the bottom rope because Triple H was too far away from the ropes. It feels like WWE have painted themselves into a corner with this match. This was their last legitimate chance to cause a change to the main event of Wrestlemania and they chose to stick with their choice of Reigns vs Triple H, which is fine and they have every right to do that, but watching last night just reinforces fan claims that people won't buy into that match. It feels like the majority of fans are now booing Roman Reigns just for the sake of it. Dean Ambrose is the guy the people want right now and WWE have chosen not to go for it so it wouldn't surprise me if people turned on the main event with just a "Well if we can't have our guy then you won't have yours" type of mentality. 

Overall the show was pretty fun to watch even though it didn't exactly have much to live up to against the previous specials Beast In The East and Live from MSG. People can complain all they want but it's an extra night of Wrestling that was entertaining. Dean Ambrose yet again proved why he's championship material, while Enzo and Cass and The Revival provided yet another great advert for the ever growing brand of NXT. 

Friday 11 March 2016

8 Things WWE should probably think about doing for Wrestlemania

So we're three weeks from Wrestlemania and despite some people still reacting indifferently to the main event between Roman Reigns and Triple H, the show itself is actually looking to be like a good time. Couple that with the no doubt awesome NXTTakeover: Dallas a few days before hand and it's probably going to be a great weekend for anyone going to Dallas. With over 84,000 tickets being sold there's no doubt going to be a raucous atmosphere inside the AT&T Stadium and no doubt WWE will want the reaction to be positive so here's 8 things they should do in order to achieve that reaction.

Swerve the Main Event finish

It's pretty much a guarantee at this point that Roman Reigns will be walking out of Dallas on Sunday night (Monday morning if you're like me and live in England) as the WWE World Heavyweight Champion despite many people continuing to openly state that they don't want this to happen. Now I'm not a Reigns fan. This doesn't mean I hate the guy and actively boo him whenever I can. He deserves the opportunity to prove why he is in that top spot and unfortunately he isn't getting that opportunity right now because of poor booking. People are angry at the predictability of Triple H vs Reigns ending in Reigns going over clean. No doubt the WWE have something special in mind to make this more interesting but it definitely needs something. I doubt Reigns will be booed out of the building if he wins but it won't exactly be met with fans rejoicing. If WWE added a swerve such as a Roman Reigns heel turn which we all know he desperately needs then suddenly when people look back on the main event in the future they won't remember how incredibly predictable it was.

Add an extra stipulation to Shane vs Undertaker

Hands up who was excited when Shane O Mac returned a few weeks ago! Hands up who's excited for this match! Hands up who thinks this match makes sense! Put your damn hand down fool. Yes this match is going to be entertaining and Shane McMahon will no doubt be stupid enough to take a ridiculous bump but does this match actually make any sense from a storyline perspective? Not so much. It's understandable that Shane McMahon would want to come back and restore the WWE to its former glory but it's Vince's side that doesn't really make any sense. Why would the Undertaker agree to fight for Vince? What does he gain from that? Also, why would Vince not put his son up against someone like Brock Lesnar who would just physically dissect him which is evidently what Vince seems to want to happen at this point. This match just smells a bit like desperation on WWE's part and that they have just thrown together different parts to try and make themselves a great Engine, however this Engine may end up stalling if WWE aren't careful. Personally I think Undertaker needs some sort of motivation to compete in this match. Something like a WWE title shot in the future if he beats Shane. This story is almost there, it just needs something to push over the line.

Have Dean Ambrose beat Brock Lesnar

In all honestly now that I write this it doesn't really matter what happens with the result of this match. Dean Ambrose is WWE's nearly man. He is on the cusp of being "The Guy in WWE. He is everything that WWE wants Roman Reigns to be. He is entertaining, charismatic and people want him to win. Ambrose has kind of stepped into the role that Daniel Bryan filled so well, the babyface underdog role. I keep hearing people say "Ambrose should turn Heel" but why? If Ambrose turns Heel then the vast majority of people are still going to cheer him. Originally Brock Lesnar was slated to face Bray Wyatt at The Show of Shows but it was changed at the last minute to Dean Ambrose. This match is just going to be all sort of awesome. The Street Fight stipulation gives Ambrose a legitimate shot at winning and if anyone has ever seen his CZW work then they know that he is able to absorb an immeasurable amount of punishment. This match has the potential to push Dean over the edge and force WWE's hand to accept that he is the guy fans want right now. Even if Dean doesn't win, taking a brutal beating at the hands of the Beast Incarnate will help him garner huge respect from fans. Brock Lesnar should be walking out as the loser however. Lesnar has nothing to gain from winning here. He hasn't lost a match clean in around 2 years and the first person to pin him clean will get an incredible amount of momentum. If Lesnar loses to Ambrose it doesn't affect his Aura due to the Street Fight gimmick. If Ambrose wins he receives a colossal push while Lesnar will still be the dominant force he is right now.

Keep the Tag Titles on the main card

For the past two years the Tag Team Titles have been pushed to the Pre-Show card which shows both how little WWE value them and how much rubbish they actually cram onto the main show. This year this simply cannot happen. New Day are arguably the greatest thing to happen to WWE recently, they are definitely the best thing to happen to the Tag Team division since The Shield. With rumours of an extravagant entrance for The New Day at Wrestlemania, WWE simply cannot afford to have one of their biggest money makers pushed onto the pre-show. The Andre the Giant Battle Royal is much more suited to the pre show.

Sami Zayn vs Kevin Owens CANNOT be part of a multi man ladder match

Last year we had a multi-man Ladder match for the Intercontinental Title. This wasn't a particularly bad match but WWE sacrificed have a good feud with a nice plot in order to get as many people onto the show as they possibly could. This year rumor has it that they will do it again, with Miz, Ziggler and Big Show all getting involved in Sami Zayn and Kevin Owens' rivalry. Simply put, this is completely the wrong move. Sami Zayn and Kevin Owens rivalry is one of the best WWE have to offer right now. The former best friends turned bitter rivals put so much passion and fire into every thing they do with each other it's difficult to take your eyes off the screen. Sami Zayn looks to be staying on the main roster now so he needs a feud that can help him. Having Kevin Owens and Sami Zayn go at it on RAW and at Wrestlemania is nothing but goodness for both men.

The US title however, should be

This isn't me saying that the US Title isn't as prestigious as the IC Title (although recently it has dropped a little) Kalisto is an underdog and WWE have done in portraying him as such so far. Having him in this ladder match suits him pefectly as it gives him opportunities to pull of high flying spots, similar to his awesome spot at TLC last year. It also gives guys like Neville a stage to shine on whereas they might not had such as stage if this didn't take place. Kalisto, Neville, Sin Cara, Alberto Del Rio. All guys who would thrive in a multi man ladder match. Right now it looks like Kalisto will be facing Ryback at Wrestlemania which is...OK? Fans aren't exactly high on Ryback right now although his recent Heel turn has been a little more intriguing.

Women need time

It looks like we'll be having two womens matches at Wrestlemania which is awesome as it shows that WWE are starting to change their stance. While the non-title match may only be given 5-10 minutes at most, The match for the title itself has to be given plenty of time. Charlotte is doing great work as a Heel, Sasha Banks is probably one of the most over people on the roster right now and Becky Lynch is continuing to prove why she deserves to be in the title picture. These three have earned the right to be given plenty of time at Wrestlemania. If these women are give at least 20-25 minutes then this match could be outside contender for best match of the night.

Find something meaningful for AJ Styles to do

Admittedly I am a huge AJ Styles fan and have been for a long time. When he came out 3rd at the Royal Rumble I completely lost it. It also finally seems as though we will be seeing AJ Styles in a WWE ring at Wrestlemania, who'd thought it? AJ Styles is too good to be given a poor hand at Wrestlemania and this is not just me saying this as a fan. AJ Styles was awarded Most Outstanding Wrestler for both 2014 and 2015 by the Wrestling Observer Newsletter as well as the 2014 Match of the Year. It looks like we'll be getting AJ Styles vs Chris Jericho at Wrestlemania. AJ vs Jericho is good enough technically but we've all seen it already. What are they going to do at  Wrestlemania that would be any different from Fastlane? apart from Jericho winning which probably shouldn't happen. Have him face someone like Neville or Alberto Del Rio. Guys who are close to his level in the ring and have nothing to do at the moment. Who wouldn't want to see two guys like Neville and Styles go at it? Styles is another example of WWE showing willingness to move away from their big strong guys and more towards smaller and more technically gifted wrestlers. It's just a shame we'll never see AJ Styles vs Daniel Bryan.

What do you think? Is there anything else WWE needs to go to ensure a good Wrestlemania?